So what was the verdict on toasters/toasterovens

<p>allowed or not allowed?</p>

<p>what about crockpots?</p>

<p>what about a ricecooker/veggie steamer?</p>

<p>I would consider all of the above to be allowed. The official rules as posting on the housing website specifically allow toasters and crockpots and I cannot see why a rice cooker/veggie steamer would not be allowed. The letter from the community directors does recommend using appliances with an automatic shut-off, though it is not required.</p>

<p>Hey, you can cook almost anything in a rice cooker. </p>

<p>I LOVE MINE!!!</p>

<p>As explained to me on the phone by someone in housing. No open elements and has to have an auto shut off (timers shut off automatically). There are crock pots with timers.</p>

<p>The “requirement” for an auto shut off contradicts the welcome letter from my community director that states “students are encouraged to utilize appliances with an automatic shut-off feature in their apartments.” Still, it is a good idea to have appliances with a timer. What I really think housing is saying is that they don’t want students to have George Foreman grills, candles, lit tobacco products, or anything else in their rooms that will trigger the smoke detectors. On that note, please remember to turn on the fan above the range when cooking something on the stove.</p>

<p>Sorry to bring this post up again, but we have a great toaster oven that I am hoping to put in D’s dorm. It cooks full pizza’s! :slight_smile:
It does have an AUTOMATIC TIMER, so does that mean it is allowed? We are driving from AZ to BB next week and am hoping to bring it. DD is still having reservations about it.
Yah or Nah???

<p>Toaster ovens are not allowed. We do not allow toasters or Forman grills… a good guideline is anything where the food touches the heating element directly.</p>

<p>Crockpots are generally allowed, ESPECIALLY if they have an automatic shutoff switch. So if it’s a crockpot with a built-in timer or something that turns it off after a certain amount of time, you’re in the clear.</p>

<p>I hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Thanks that helps. So much conflicting info. everywhere. Especially with the built in timer, thought for sure that was allowed… </p>

<p>2.27 Appliances and Fire Hazards: Use of non-approved appliances in a residence hall room is prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to personal air conditioner, space heater, ceiling fan, and fog/smoke machine. Posting flammable materials (such as posters, art canvas, T-shirts, flyers, flags, blankets, etc.) covering more than one third of total surface of the outside of a residence hall room door is prohibited. It is also prohibited to keep any item, including room decorations that may pose a fire hazard in a residence hall room. These items include, but are not limited to, any open flame source or flammable liquid. Examples include oil lamps, candles, hookah pipes, incense, gasoline, natural cut trees, branches, or greens, and halogen lamps and bulbs, deep fat fryer, electric griddle, electric grill, electric hamburger cooker (George Forman grills), electric waffle iron, electric wok, hot oil popcorn popper, hot plate, indoor grill or boiler, toaster oven, crock pots or any cooking tool that does not have an automatic shut off feature. Anytime a student is cooking or heating food, they must stay with it to avoid a fire situation.</p>

<p>Again, wording of the automatic shut off makes it confusing.<br>
Thanks for clearing it up.</p>



<p>OK, now I’m totally confused. I thought toasters (as opposed to toaster ovens) were permitted. Toasters are even on the approved list on the housing website.</p>

<p>From the UA Housing Website:</p>

<p>What to bring/not to bring</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Where Are Command Strips Allowed/Not Allowed to be used?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Policies: Living Standards & Prohibited items</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Moving In/Arrival Information</p>

<p>[Move-In</a> 2012](<a href=“]Move-In”></p>

<p>Tips & Suggestions</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>When I called Housing after this thread started, I spoke to the gal who is UAHousing on CC. She said that toasters are NOT allowed because of the open element.</p>

<p>When I had her view the documents that contradicted each other, she said that that was an error and would get changed. Did they never get changed?</p>

<p>I messaged her about it today.</p>

<p>Very confusing, on the list of “what not to bring” it does list toasters and crockpots, but from the post above UA housing is saying crockpots are allowed with automatic shut off.</p>

<p>Yes, I agree. The UAHousing contact who posts here responded much as she did above, but also asked if we would forward links that are contradictory to her so they may be corrected. There had also been a packing list link that encouraged bringing “lots of Command products” without disclosing that they are NOT allowed in many communities because they can damage the drywall. I cannot find that link now.</p>

<p>OK, so I am going to ask another question that will confuse everyone-
what about an induction hotplate that has a timer and auto shut off? </p>

<p>Induction does NOT have coils, and does not get hot to the touch. The timer meets the timer requirement. </p>

<p>Below is an example, but there are many others:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Product Features:
The fastest way to cook- quicker than gas or electric burners
Cook at a high heat with no open flame the pan becomes the heating element
Digital controls set to 6 temperature settings
Programmable timer sets to 180 minutes
Shuts off automatically once cookware is removed ******</p>

<p>As Mom2CK pointed out, the documents housing has on its website conflict with each other. Here’s one that clearly says toasters are permitted (the list is under Electrical Appliances): <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ll just sit back and wait to see how the confusion is cleared up; I’m sure it will be.</p>

<p>I sent her that link earlier today.:)</p>

<p>Vlines, do they make an induction hotplate that’s less than 1000 watts? The document I linked to says that 1000 watts is the limit for a single appliance.</p>

<p>no idea, Beth’s mom. That is hard to make work for many things now days though!</p>