So what's it like? Is it as bad as I hear?

<p>According to, lots of the students hate it there, academics are mediocre but according to my dad and grandfather, it’s a good school. Ranking is like 80 or so, and I’m majoring in computer science (dunno what the ranking is like for cs), but it just seems like the school is a joke. It has like a 80% acceptance rate…</p>

<p>I’m probably going there anyways but I’d like to know what it’s like. I hear there are lots of attractive women but Tuscon is supposedly ghetto and everything revolves around Greek life. Ultimately I want to attend UA, get a 4.0 GPA the first year, and transfer to UCLA but yeah, just want to know what I’m up for… what can I expect?</p>

<p>Tucson isn't that ghetto. It is the #1 city in the US for property crime but unless you're selling drugs or something nobody will murder you. There are some parts around the campus that are nice are safe. Then, there's some places near the U of A that are really sketchy. And then some places in Tucson I would feel much safer in the South Bronx at midnight. But you're a guy so safety doesn't matter anyway. The bad part about Tucson for a college student is it's a real car city. Honestly, 70% of the pedestrians are on drugs. Tucson does have some charm though, it's not that bad.</p>

<p>But the U of A campus is pretty nice, the Student Union, Rec center etc are pretty cool. University Blv is somewhat okay. 4th Ave is a cool, wierd place to visit every now and then. The on-campus food is good, a little too corporate but good. Tucson is terrible for restaurants, only one good chinese place near the U of A. The weather is great during the winter and spring. You can sort of ski on Mt. Lemmon. In terms of classes the U of A is more of a science/math school and it's moving more that way. But I took a history class there, it was pretty good. Actually Arizona is trying to make the U of A into a more prestigious, highly ranked university (ASU a big so-so school and NAU a more liberal arts school). And there certainly are lots of attractive vacuous women.</p>

<p>According to the "Fiske Guide to Getting Into the Right College" U of A is listed under "Budget Ivy League" and described as one of the 'premier public universities in the nation' p.61. It is on the list with UC-Berkeley, UCLA, U of Florida, UNC-Chapel Hill, Rutgers, and UT-Austin to name a few. Under its description, U of A is known for "astronomy, engineering, and a top-notch honors program". Fiske also reports that it is strong in architecture & business, nursing (top 4% for grad schools) and law (graduate school), pharmacy (ranked 4th in nation's grad schools). They are tops in optical science, also. </p>

<p>In August, 2006, a NASA press conference will be held there to announce UA's involvement in the Mars mission scheduled for Oct 2006. </p>

<p>On the safety note:
Spicychicken wrote: [But you're a guy so safety doesn't matter anyway.] I beg to differ...anyone can be mugged....regardless of gender.</p>

<p>Anyway, I hope this helps....</p>

<p>yeah i have to agree. tucson is really actually a nice city. it's kinda small...(if ure coming from somewhere like houston) but it's not too small. the campus is really cool and the programs are a lot better than given credit through word of mouth. i'm actually really excited to go to college in tucson.</p>

<p>UA is has a tremendous business program as well. #22 undergrad program if I recall correctly. Law school ranks in the top 50-60 or so. Overall, I think UA is close to 100...I think #97.</p>