<p>AP Calc
Project Adventure (A gym class just for seniors)
French IV independent Study
Classes at the local community college</p>
<p>First Semester:
AP Music Theory
Intro to AP Chem
Honors french 3
Honors Discrete Math
Honors Wars</p>
<p>Second Semester:
AP Chemistry
AP Calc BC
AP French
Honors English</p>
<p>For the year: btw SUPa is Syracuse University Project Advance
AP Calc BC
AP Chemistry
SUPA Government
SUPA Economics
Italian-5(College-Credit SUNY Albany Class)
RCC(local community college sponsored college-credit class) English</p>
<p>AP Chem
College Bio
Jazz band
Wind Ensemble
AP Government and Politics
College English
College Spanish
College Calculus</p>
<p>AP Biology
AP Physics C: Mechanisms
AP BC Calculus
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Government/AP Microeconomics
Peer Tutoring
Choral Choir (Honors)</p>
<p>Self study:
AP Psychology
AP Physics B</p>
I’m pleased with my senior year.</p>
<p>AP English Lit
AP French
Honors Government
AP macro economics
AP Calc BC
Wind Symphony
AP Physics</p>
<p>AP Chem
AP Physics B
AP Gov
AP Lit
AP Spanish
Calc 2 and Calc 3 at local community college equivalent</p>
<p>Get work done</p>
<p>Ap chem
Ap stat
Ap spanish
Ap gov
Ap lit
Ap human geography
Dual enrolled personal finance and economics</p>
<p>Don’t know whether to be excited or stressed:</p>
<p>IB English HL
IB History of the 20th Century HL
IB German SL
IB Physics HL
IB Biology HL
Theory of Knowledge (for IB)
Newspaper Staff
EPGY Multivariable Calculus</p>
German II
AP Lit
AP Chem
AP Gov
History of Sex</p>
<p>I’m actually going to be a full-time college student for my senior year of high school. I have been involved in the Dual Enrollment program since I was a freshman, and now I have all of my high school credits that are necessary for graduation, so there is no need for me to attend high school. I will be considered an “Early Admission” student and the school board will continue to pay for any college classes and books that I take and need. I will graduate high school with my diploma AND my Associate of Arts degree. :)</p>
<p>AP Calc
AP English Lit
AP Bio or Chem (trying to pick one, does anyone have any opinions on this?)
AP Spanish IV
Influence of the Bible on Modern Society
<p>CHANGE OF PLANS (to my dismay)! Currently looking like:
AP BC Calculus
AP Physics C
AP Bio
AP English
AP Euro
AP Psych</p>
<p>I have a change to my schedule as well. </p>
<p>AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Literature and Composition
AP Environmental Science
Honors Physics</p>
<p>AP European History
AP Physics
AP Calculus
Honors English
Latin IV
State and Local (1st sem) / American Law (2nd sem)
AP Comparative Governments (independent)
Independent Band and Chorus</p>
<p>Also, internship at elementary school</p>
<p>My school doesn’t have very many APs so that’s why… I would take AP English by it won’t fit in my schedule. Does this look slacker-y?</p>
<p>I’m taking:
AP Physics C
AP Stats
AP Bio
AP Euro
AP Eng Lit
multivariable calc
I’m debating if I should drop AP Bio for a computer science course so that I don’t kill myself senior year. I’m worried that if I do I will look like a slacker. I am interested in math and engineering, but not really bio. I did the bare minimum in honors bio to get an A so I’m worried that I’ll hate AP Bio and that it will require so much time that my other subjects will suffer. Any advice?</p>
<p>I’d say drop Bio. No one will notice one less AP in your schedule. One of the things I love about my counselor is that when I’ve got questions like this he says “do what you enjoy and colleges will see that”. I’m passing that advice to you.</p>
<p>My schedule:
AP calc BC
AP world
AP chem
AP psych
French 3
Advanced video production</p>
<p>AP Physics C
AP Bio
AP World
AP Comparative Gov.
AP Spanish
AP English Lit
Dual Enrollment (Multivariable)
<p>:/ Imma die.</p>
<p>AP Lit & Comp
AP Spanish
AP Gov & Politics
AP Econ: Micro
AP Environmental Sci
Creative Foods
Business Management & entrepernueral skills</p>
<p>AP Government/Econ
AP Physics B
AP French
AP English IV
AP Calc BC
Computer Science 221 though a local college</p>