So.....when it happens...

<p>Don't almost all admissions decisions come out at almost the exact same time (approximately 4 or 5 PM on April 1st)????</p>

<p>Isn't that a perfect recipe for a heart attack? I don't know if I can handle a ridiculous roller coaster of acceptance/rejection.</p>

<p>08ers, how did you guys handle it???</p>

<p>Isn’t it March 31?</p>

<p>I applied to 7 schools - no EA or ED - and I heard from two in November, one in January, one in February, two in the third week of March, and the last one on April 2nd. No heart attacks. I was relaxed because of the November ones - I knew I had somewhere to go.</p>

<p>No, results do not all come out at the same time on the same day. Some decisions will be posted online, others you have to wait for the snailmail. Some start reporting decisions around March 25th (or earlier), others wait until precisely April 1st. Check individual college forums for last year’s threads.</p>

<p>By March 31 I was talking about the major colleges I know hookem is applying.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure all of the Ivies release decisions at the same time (an agreement between them, seems reasonable to me). Last year there were threads with the people posting the order they were going to check them!</p>

<p>^ dammit. That’s what I was afraid of.</p>



<p>All in 5 minutes, lol.</p>

<p>Maybe I should take a coffee break in between ;)</p>

<p>Maybe something more relaxing than coffee?</p>

<p>^ hahaha true, there are some great alternatives.</p>

<p>ah i know. that’s going to be a stressful day</p>

<p>wow, im gonna die on that day. rejection after rejection. i think i may make my parents go deaf from my screaming angrily at the computer.:slight_smile: jk</p>

<p>Hahaha, I can already feel the rejection letters piling up…</p>



<p>You got the order backwards for me :P</p>

<p>Princeton first, then Yale, then Harvard. haha</p>

<p>wait. that means I’ll definitely end on a rejection. =X</p>