<p>Good news, since the due date for all of them is the 15th and not the 12th!</p>
<p>I haven't! I've done everything but the roommate questionnaires. Though the confidential one is mostly done.</p>
<p>Plus, I feel stupid since I went to my physician last week and I forgot all about the health data form =[</p>
<p>the health form is way more important. you can be barred from taking classes etc. due to that</p>
<p>the roommate form is handled by the res. colleges and students. as a result a late form probably will be ok, cause thats how it works</p>
<p>i’m so glad they’re due on the 15th now! definitely wasn’t close to being done on the long roommate one.</p>
<p>Me too! I was so relieved they moved it to the 15th. Last week was my final week of cramming high school assignments & final projects so I literally had no time to answer all those long roommate questions…</p>
<p>Is it a good idea to sign the form to withhold releasing your address information, etc?</p>
<p>umm… i dont remember what that was for. could you elabroate please?</p>
<p>You know, I hope we didn’t have to be crazy formal in these things. I kept adding little side notes and junk =]</p>
<p>Also, do we get a copy of our roommate’s survey? Or do we just get a name and phone number or something like that?</p>
<p>^^ you get the non confidential part. you get your roomies and he gets yours. the confidential part is only for advisors and pairing you</p>
<p>dont be formal. speak your mind. trust me it helps.</p>
<p>Just finished my Roommate Information Form which asked questions about our interests :)</p>
<p>@turnerhome5: It’s your personal preference. I agreed to release my info to the directory, etc. but many probably feel uncomfortable doing so. I haven’t actually picked up or even seen a Rice directory hard copy, so I couldn’t tell you what all it really includes.</p>
<p>On Rice’s homepage there is a search box at the top right corner. It allows you to search for people in the Rice web directory. When I search my name, it comes up with my college, year, major, email address, and phone number (this is my college landline # - NOT cell or parents’ home). No home address is shown or anything like that.</p>
<p>It’s all up to you.</p>
<p>^ i dont think they ever list that info on the webpage</p>
<p>releasing info means your info is available to the uni and maybe the campus directory</p>
<p>Right, that’s what I was trying to convey, albeit a bit circuitously.
I mean to say that the info that they are asking permission to release would only show up on perhaps a hard-copy style directory, which I have never seen available anyway.</p>