So, with less than 17 hours left to go...

<p>... what are all of you who are still up doing right now? I'm trying to do AP Chem homework, but I can't focus, I'm so anxious... What is everyone going to do from the time school gets out to 5:00? And if you live in the PMT zone, are you planning to check your status before or after school lets out?</p>

<p>I really wonder how I'll react, whether I get accepted, rejected, or deferred... I surprise myself sometimes. I imagine some people will make quite a scene at their school or work or something, and why wouldn't they; this determines whether we get to wear the pride of being an Ivy League student, at the most beautiful college ever! How do you deal with such anxiety?</p>

<p>Anyways, I've only been here for a short time (though I have been lurking a bit before joining), and I already feel an attachment to everyone here, like a brotherhood of classmates who are all facing the same struggle. I thank each and every person on this board for making this critical part of our lives as comfortable as possible.</p>

<p>Lastly, I sincerely hope that there is good news waiting for you all at the end of the day; our hopes and dreams can prevail! And if I do get in by some miracle, I'd like to meet up with the other CCer's who got in as well. Good luck, everyone!</p>


<p>I get out at exactly 2:00, and I live in Washington state. First thing I’m doing is sprinting to the library to log in and check my status. Meanwhile, I’m trying to do AP Statistics homework (which I’m 3 weeks behind on) and some AP Gov (which I’m 5 weeks behind on), but I’m just to paranoid. So I’m just Facebooking.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!! Tomorrow will be a happy day!!</p>

<p>I get out of class at exactly 5 PM EST tomorrow, so I’m going to walk out of my french class two rooms over to the computer lab and read my rejection.</p>

<p>currently 1:10AM and I am very, very anxious.
16 hoursish to go.
I am going to sleep soon with this decision in mind.</p>

<p>I’m being forced to wait until 5 PST (yes, I’m from California) because my mom demands that we all sit together, hold hands, go through the emotional speech about acceptance blah blah blah, then try to make our way through the traffic of the website to access my decision. Until then, I am currently trying to studying for my Chinese test all while straining to retain the minimal amount of AP Economics content I just learned - from the internet. During tomorrow’s VERY important exams my mind will be extremely occupied by bigredbigredbigredbigredCOMEONBIGREDDON’TLETMEDOWN.</p>

<p>Wow, I just realized I have a Chemistry quiz/test this Friday, and either way I’m either going to be too excited or too depressed to study… My grade is completely shot.</p>

<p>Anyway, it’s 1:32 AM right now, and I still have a fair amount of AP Environmental homework to do… Wow, anxiety really amplifies procrastination, huh?</p>

<p>Anyway, good luck everyone! Don’t go crazy from the stress; just try to think about something else for the next couple of hours, and just think about how lucky you are to have this wonderful opportunity, to have a chance to attend such a great university. Here’s to hoping that we are the new class of '2013!!</p>

<p>Well, I know for a fact I won’t get in - Mediocre SATs, GPA and ECs. My essay was only decent, but my recommendations were amazing - probably the only thing working for me. But, I can’t help but have that glimmer of hope. So many people I know say I’ll get in, but I can’t tell if they’re just being nice or are actually being earnest. Guess we’ll find out today. 6:34AM! Less than 11 hours to go. ;~; This anxiety is intense. DX</p>

<p>lol high school days awesome!! im anxious too, 3 hours til orgo final and im on college discussion =.=</p>

<p>I am going to read my rejection after having just woken up from a nap…</p>

<p>If the unthinkable happens…come on down to New Orleans! I’ll take you out for some hurricanes at Pat O’Brien’s…2 of those and you’ll forget you even applied to Cornell ;-)</p>

<p>You would drink Hurricanes in New Orleans…</p>

<p>Well yeah…we have hurricane parties down here! New Orleans is just a fun place :-)</p>

<p>5 Hrs and 20 minutes to go…Just hold on over there guys. Just hold on.</p>

<p>lol, I’m in graphic design right now checking this forum. I can’t believe it’s time. I still remember when my friend applied last year and I was like thank god it isn’t me. In about 6 hours, it will be. Good luck everyone : )</p>

<p>5 hrs 5 minutes. Maybe I will post around the clock. Say, 15 min interval. Hmm</p>

<p>whats the exact time everybody finds out?</p>

<p>5pm EST</p>
