so worried!! help !! chance me

<p>well i am senior , and my GPA is 3.76 unw i dont know about weighted GPA </p>

<p>haha well i took 2 AP, 7 honors.. and senior first marking period i got all As..(idk if it's </p>

<p>gonna help me or not) and i am international student..ppl said that purdue likes </p>

<p>international student..haha and i took toefl and got 88 (minimum 79 at purdue) and..</p>

<p>for EC i did mission, priase team, band, student leadership team. for 3 years.</p>

<p>But the problem is that i got 1750 on SAT... i got</p>

<p>800 math, 480 on reading, 470 on writing..!!! oh jeez..haha well i'm planning to take again </p>

<p>on nov one..which is next week but i prob get higher grade..!! </p>

<p>and i took 2 SAT subject tests and got 800 and 760.(math and language)</p>

<p>i hope it will help me..</p>

<p>does purdue look at writing score?? i mean if they only look at math and reading</p>

<p>it's 1280..which is..ok? hahah idk </p>

<p>please chance me!! i'm trying to major in ENGINEERING...which is hard to get it?</p>

<p>is that true?? if i apply as engineering, it is hard to get in??</p>

<p>?!!bump bump bump!!</p>

<p>I think you’ll get Purdue Engineering especially if you got 800 in math. I would just get my crit. reading up a maybe above 500 and you’ll get in easily. Don’t sweat it you’ll get in, Engineering is science and mathematics and since you got 800 in math…well no need to explain.</p>

<p>anybody else?!!</p>

<p>Yeah kashc is pretty much right with the 800 on math. Just have to do well in ENGL106 since it is applied towards your EAI.</p>