So you didn't get into Boarding School?

I’m confused how OP knows already (before M10) that she is into Andover and Choate. Or does she attend one of those currently?

Great post and advice! Although it doesn’t seem like it, BS is “just high school” and there is a long journey after that!

This thread is from last year; the OP posted the day after M10 2016.

This helped me so so much. I just got rejected from both boarding schools I applied to, and it really crushed me. But I feel even more motivated than ever now. I’m determined to succeed and get into my dream school without the help of prep school and show them what they lost. I might even apply next year, or I might do dual enrollment. Only time will tell. But to everyone reading this, just know that there is always a reason for everything that happens in your life, and even though it doesn’t seem like It now, you’ll look back one day and see that it was all for the better. It’s almost like I’m writing advice for myself, but I just hope that it helps whoever else reads this. Rejection from school doesn’t define you, and you shouldn’t let it.


I had posted this in a college forum, but the message is relevant here as,well.


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@gardenstategal I can’t get that link to work for me…but I see someone on the college forum was able to, so maybe it’s just me.

It’s a dead link

Try this one

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