So you have to take a science SAT II to get into Tepper?

<p>Well I guess CMU's out for me. Didn't take an AP science. Do I have this right?</p>

<p>Why would you need to take an AP science to have to take an SAT II?</p>

<p>Just buy a Barron's book (or another good brand for SAT prep) for a specific science subject. With enough practice, you should be able to get an 800 on anything.</p>

<p>I took the physics SAT II, and although I was in physics AP (C) when I took it, I was only a month and a half into the year; some of the things weren't covered, and I still got a 730 and into computer science at Carnegie Mellon. If you've taken an honors physics I course, I would suggest studying it out of the book. I think for the bio/chem tests you need more of an AP preparation, but I don't know since I didn't take those.</p>

<p>I was accepted into Tepper this year with a Presidential Scholarship, and my third SAT II was US History. If there is a science requirement, I've never heard of it.</p>

<p>nope, i took math/writing/lit and i got into tepper.</p>

<p>im not going though.</p>

<p>Typically for Tepper, We require a Math, Writing (in the case of ACT) and prefer a Science Subject Test score. We like to see a science test because it allows us to see another side of your quantitative abilities.</p>

<p>thanks for the info.</p>

<p>No problem! Good luck and please call the Office of Admission if you have any other questions!</p>