<p>OK so if you where the admin officers at upenn would you select this kid:
(ED ADMIT)</p>
<p>1320 SAT</p>
<p>3.9 gpa
4.5 weighted</p>
<p>very active EC wise</p>
<p>good essay</p>
<p>good recommendations</p>
<p>OK so if you where the admin officers at upenn would you select this kid:
(ED ADMIT)</p>
<p>1320 SAT</p>
<p>3.9 gpa
4.5 weighted</p>
<p>very active EC wise</p>
<p>good essay</p>
<p>good recommendations</p>
<p>umm topic is misleading.
please change to
OMFG What are My Bloody Chances?!! (nobody gives a sh1t.)</p>
<p>seirously. no one can assess your chances with those stats given.</p>
actually list out your SATiis. ECs</p>
<p>I can. BTW - SAT2's are as important as SAT1s so you may want to list those. However, with that SAT score unless you're black or mexican or have no legs, I'd say no.</p>
<p>well. i was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend he was native american orphan with down syndrome</p>
<p>yeah those damn retarded indians get all the good jobs...</p>
<p>ok well to help..im not black or mexican, im asian american female
and im taking teh sat 2s this year..</p>
<p>hey king...u really this i have NO chance, even with an early admissions?</p>
<p>hey im indian dont hate</p>
<p>yeah king... what's up with that indian comment. Don't hate on indians.</p>
<p>Guys, I've been known to hate on Indians and how there's no hot girls.</p>
<p>Today... on the bus....</p>
<p>for some reason, like 20 Indians come on the bus. and there were some hot girls.</p>
<p>So yeah, they exist.</p>
<p>yeah plus i'm a hot indian, right choco? =P</p>
<p>anywho, i'm pretty sure he meant native american.</p>
<p>no, I meant Indian Indian.</p>
<p>Yeah, Anu is a hot Indian. A few weeks ago I argued that there were no hott Indians at all, but seeing a pic of Anu and the girls on the bus changed that....</p>
<p>lol...there are hot indian grls...there are just so many that its hard to find em</p>
<p>Anu was homecoming king! He is Kevin Gnapoor from mean girls (mathlete/badass M.C.). of course he is hot.</p>
<p>lol I told him. I was like man ANU YOURE HOTT!!</p>
<p>and then I think he got scared because he knows I'm a guy..</p>
<p>lolol street has a six paaackk
and i think he was just flattered, it's okay
blu! hc.. PRINCE</p>
<p>also.. being asian american female.. aiyaa X(</p>
<p>there are a bunch of indians at UPenn, like every 5 seconds another one pops out from nowhere</p>
<p>too many indians</p>
<p>lol yea def. are u indian duskstamper?</p>