So You're Coming to Tech: 2008 Small Questions Thread

<p>You can get a job with the BT (blacksburg transit) and I guess your hours would be about like that of any other job. They'd probably want you to work a lot of friday and saturday nights if you're new. Anyway, it always seems like they're hiring so you'd have a good chance. No idea about the commercial drivers license. I can't tell you if you can manage a job and engineering at the same time; some can and some can't. If it seems like you can't after freshman year you REALLY can't after that, and if it seems like you can you can give it a shot.</p>

<p>edit: Go here. It'll tell you everything you need to know about getting a job with the BT. Town</a> of Blacksburg, Va.: Employment</p>

<p>Sorry, this may be a bit off topic:
How is VT's reputation on the job market?</p>

<p>Another question (or two): What is the best and worst dorm for a girl? I know that is a subjective (or is it objective-i forget the difference) question, but I just want to know a general opinion. And is it true about what they say about the quality of VT's food?</p>

<p>On average, how many students are in freshman classes? I hear Tech has small classes despite the large student body. Are there opportunities for individual attention from professors? i.e. Do some of the profs know the names of their students in class?</p>

<p>gurl: It depends on your major. It's good in engineering, I know that. Otherwise I have no clue. The best dorms are the newer suite style ones, Payne, New Res and one other whose name escapes me. The rest of them are pretty similar but I guess AJ would be the worst followed by Slusher. There are only one or two girl only dorms left; almost all are co-ed now. The food is the best campus food in the country. It's true.</p>

<p>wanttobeamdn: Tech doesn't really have small classes at the freshman level for the most part, although it depends largely on your major. For engineering or any type of science you're going to have pretty huge classes. Up to around 300 students per class, but that's a pretty extreme maximum. That being said, as you move on they get smaller. It totally depends on your major at that point. If you're in English or something the classes are pretty small. Around 30ish. The names thing depends on the professor; I have a professor that has a 75 person class that memorized everyones name, but he's a bit weird anyway.</p>

<p>I know that freshman must enter a lottery for tickets for VT football games. About how many freshman receive tickets to each game?
Can freshman purchase season tickets to baseketball games?</p>

<p>It's hard to say. I'd say over half, probably less than a third. You can always buy scalped tickets for games you didn't win.</p>

<p>I don't believe so.</p>

<p>Offbeat question... Does VT have a rock wall in one of their gyms?</p>

<p>I know this may sound very vague, but what are a lot of popular things to do around campus (for a person that will do and try almost anything)?</p>

<p>On my visit to VT last week, I did not see a rock wall in the gym, but I did see bowling lanes and pool tables in Squires, and there is a movie theater. There are lots of indoor and outdoor basketball hoops, volley ball nets and even some outdoor grills. Lots of people had bikes. People play soccer and baseball on the drill field. And hiking in the nearby parks. Looks like there is lots to do.</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind when you sign your dining contract this summer: Get the smaller plan. If you get the bigger one money left over will roll over to next semester but possibly not next year. If you get the smaller one and run out of money you can easily add more either in person or online. There is no reason to buy the bigger one unless you are 100% absolutely sure that you will use it all. I've mostly found the smaller one adequate as long as you occasionally make your own lunch or something.</p>

<p>Can you tell me anything about the specialty housing, The Wing, for freshmen?</p>