Soar dates

<p>Can anyone inform me with all the SOAR dates? I signed up towards the end of July because it was the earliest date when I signed on. How many dates are in front of me? What was the first day for SOAR? THANKS!</p>

<p>The first dates were June 12-13 I believe. June spots were filled up very quickly.</p>

<p>the June 12-13 spots filled up within the first 15 minutes, June 13-14 and June 20-21 within the first 25. It was pretty crazy.</p>

<p>The process reminded me of getting tickets to a concert. My daughter attempted to login immediately as the process opened. I think it took maybe 15 - 20 minutes to get into the system and she ended up with dates of 6/22-6/23. </p>

<p>It’s good to see the excitement of starting in on this new college experience.</p>

<p>If students want to purchase season football tickets, there is a similar process ( where you need to register in advance, log in at the appointed time and purchase online. Tickets can sell out in 20 minutes.</p>

<p>Not every School or College had SOAR dates for every SOAR offered. For School of Pharmacy, the first date offered was June 13-14.</p>

<p>The SOAR process was ridiculous and could have been much better organized. Especially for people needing to book a flight to travel there. While waiting for 5:00 on 4/25, we’ve watched plane ticket prices steadily creep higher in the past 2 months. </p>

<p>Daughter’s college is smaller and there were only 3 possible SOAR weeks to select from - one week each in June, July and August! These possible dates would have been helpful to know ahead of time. Of course the June week was right during an already booked vacation. At least we can finally start figuring out the rest of the travel plans now.</p>

<p>I suspect by waiting until the end of April there will be fewer admitted students who grab SOAR dates then choose not to attend UW, as well as most students will have received their UW admission by then. Most students come from a driveable distance so plane ticket prices are not often in the picture (a family from Boston drove to son’s SOAR session- combined it with a vacation, a better time to seee the campus than during dorm move in). The huge numbers of incoming students means so many possible dates. SOAR seemed well run to me- great (and separate for the most part) Parents Program. Staying on campus in the dorm was convenient and gave insights to parents- the food and life facing students.</p>