SOAR Question

I know this is probably asked a lot but does having a late soar date make it hard to get good classes? Will all my necessary classes be filled before my July 29th soar date? I’m a premed biomedical engineering major. Also what classes would you recommend I take first semester so I have an idea going into soar?

For starters - Math 221 or 222, depending on your comfort level, math placement score, AP Calc exam score.

Chem 103 or 109 - did you take AP Chem? What was your ACT score?

Intro to Engineering 160 (registration by lottery)

The SOAR advisors will help you.

Check out the pre-med intention section on the Pre-Health Advising website:

And here is BME info:

Thank you! For the record i didn’t take ap chemistry because it wasn’t offered at my school. But my act score was a 31 with math and English 33 science 31 and reading 27. What does the registration by lottery mean?

I have heard for that particular engineering class it’s luck of the draw for when (what semester) you get to take it. So it doesn’t matter if you have an earlier or later SOAR date. Maybe a current engineering student can explain it better or correct me.

Since no AP Chem maybe Chem 103-104 is better, but the % of A grades is likely higher in Chem 109 sections. Perhaps depends how dedicated you choose to be versus partying.

Page 176/403 (Fall 2014): 32% A grades in Chem 109 and 24.9% A grades in Chem 103.

As for the worry about classes filling up – in the most popular, intro level classes, typically, additional sections are added throughout the summer in response to increased demand for the class. There is still just the regular lecture class, but additional small discussion sections are added, run by Ph.D. candidates in the field (TAs). First semester freshman typically can wind up with 8 am sections or Friday afternoon classes – meeting times more senior students are able to avoid. Registration is done on a seniority by credits basis, so the more credits you have, the earlier you get to register. First semester freshman have the least number of credits, so get the less desirable class times.

Check the courses required for your major and for medical school. Calculus and Chemistry definitely, plus the engineering course. That likely leaves room for one more- a breadth elective (or two if you don’t get the engineering one). That course should be something for fun as well as meeting requirements. The exact course will depend on what fits your schedule after having the others fit together. Before SOAR look at the catalog for social sciences and humanities for those available to freshmen. Think outside the box. There are so many ideas beyond the usual fields you were exposed to in HS. Have several options so when one doesn’t fit you have another in mind.

UW has so many courses to choose from. No reason to take something standard. For literature you can explore so many different cultures. You could take a music course such as symphony. Or an art history course. There are courses that meet the ethnic studies requirement. All will contribute to you becoming well educated- part of the purpose of a university education. Consider courses you won’t have time for in medical school instead of ones that repeat what will be taught to you.

I would consider Chem 109 since it’s only one semester instead of two, giving more time to take other classes/clubs/jobs later on. I heard a few people regret taking 103/104 since it made later semesters harder.

Take EPD 155 or another Comm A your first year (unless you tested out of it).

Here’s a detailed BME curriculum, there is a Premed one with and without Biocore. I didn’t take it but I know Biocore is much more rigorous (and much more difficult) than general biology classes. It’s busy, so you might be better off taking more hard classes early to make later semesters easier.

Since you’re premed, GPA is important. One thing you could do is check the course grade distributions from the link Madison85 gave, as well as ratemyprofessors. I find a few classes that sound interesting and then take some off the list based on these two sites. Electives are much better with a good professor even if they are a bit more work, but try not to get a C or D if you can help it. Note that grade distributions vary a lot between professors, and there can be a different professor teaching each semester. Look at the grade distributions for a few different semesters/years first unless you know the same professor is teaching as last semester.

If you don’t get the classes you want at SOAR, you can still try logging on and switching classes after SOAR. Lots of people drop and add classes at the start of the semester, so if you are on a waiting list you might be able to get in.

Take the chemistry course you are prepared for- 109 if you’ve had enough HS chem. Also- do not try to game the system for grades. Choose a professor because s/he is good and or the class fits your schedule. Remember you are in college to get an education, not just a gpa.