<p>I disagree. I really like the science building...it looks sciencey. you can't expect all the buildings to be red brick and ivy. The Campus center was really nice on the inside and modern looking on the outside.</p>
<p>it looks like a biochemical factory building...totally out of place. I can imagine harzarduous smokes coming out of that buliding.</p>
<p>I disagree about the campus center.. I didn't notice it looking bizarre at all, and it seemed like a REALLY neat place to hang out and chill over the weekend, etc. Yeah, it was cool.</p>
<p>But jeez... the science building.. :( it was the first place we went to, and the first impression of it I remember was, "I hate the way this school looks!" then we saw the main library and all the dorms and living rooms blah blah, and it was fine, but if I go, you won't see me there. :D</p>
<p>i didn't say the wang was ugly, it was just disjointed and kind of out of place.</p>
<p>__>i'll probably be stuck in that factory building..for childhood labor..jk...more like..for pre-med sigh....</p>
<p>@_@i think the Wang Campus center...can use some smarter space...saving techniques.....i felt like i was in a maze. I'm sure it's artsie and all..but can't they ...use the space better....jees</p>
<p>The science center is hideous outside, I'll give you that. But inside, I'm actually quite fond of it. It's a really comfortable building and I really like Sage Lounge, the Mini Focus, and the Science Library. But yeah, it's dumb looking outside.</p>
<p>Haha, I agree the Wang Center is a little... out of place. The inside was beautiful, but the outside definitely didn't fit with the rest of the campus. Of course that didn't sway my decision about Wellesley-- I'll have to learn to love it for the next 4 years of my life.</p>
<p>Plenty of students think the Science Center is ugly, and many more voiced their displeasure with the design for the Wang Campus Center when it was first revealed (one student commented that it looked like a space ship launching into orbit). If it's any consolation, the landscape architecture in Alumnae Valley, where the campus center is, won an award from the American Society of Landscape Architects.</p>
<p>I recall hearing conversations about how the newer architecture on campus is not designed so much to match the other buildings, but rather to integrate with the landscape and create a very organic appearance.</p>
<p>My understanding is that buildings are generally supposed to be built as something that represents the current state of architecture, e.g. no new Hetty Green Hall type buldings. I can't believe Alumnae Valley won an award. The part near the back of Phys Plant looks too fake for my takes.</p>