I got accepted into Bryn Mawr, but I want to know what the social life is like. Even though I am pretty introverted, I do like going out with a small group of friends. I don’t drink or do drugs, so would that limit my social life
I know this is kinda silly, but what’s the dating scene like? (I’m straight) I’ve heard that heterosexual dating is also pretty limited, and that there’s a lot of competition between Haverford girls and Bryn Mawr girls for guys. I would like to have a long term relationship in college, or at least have opportunities to date. I know that guys take classes at Bryn Mawr, and that I could take classes at Swarthmore or Haverford.
Yeah, you’re definitely A-okay on both counts 
You would fit in right on campus! There are definitely people who don’t like to drink/do drugs but still want to have fun on the weekends. And also as a fellow introvert, social life at Bryn Mawr will not be hard to come by! As far as dating, I haven’t heard of people beginning to date through meeting in class, clubs… Honestly the majority have met through dating apps. Fall semester freshman year, around October/November is when I’ve had around 4 friends start relationships, some with Swat guys, some with Haverguys, and a few Drexel/Penn relationships too haha.
Obviously you will meet guys in classes, but classes can be tough to get to know someone especially if it’s a lecture.