Social Life at Miami

<p>Can someone give a run down of evening activity options on weekends? Are there parties or school sponsored functions on campus or do kids primarily go to clubs around town?</p>

<p>Bump bump bump please</p>

<p>I’d love to hear, also. We went on a tour this summer-our tour guide was a commuter. When we asked that question he said he really doesn’t come to the campus on weekends and couldn’t speak much to weekend social life. Thought that was very odd to utilize a commuter as a tour guide but perhaps in the summer their staff is limited. We did speak to a student for about 10 min-he showed to the admissions building. We asked him about weekend social life and he said its a bit boring for those under 21. He also said a great many kids go off campus on weekends to Miami area. It didn’t sound too enticing to D. who was hoping for an active on-campus weekend life (not necessarily parties.) That, however, was just one students thoughts-I’d love to hear more!</p>

<p>Any insight on the surrounding area of the campus aswell is it fairly safe etc?</p>

<p>The school is in Coral Gables, an upscale area with a few malls and shopping centers right nearby including Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom department stores. The school has shuttle buses that take the kids to these areas, lots of restaurants and we saw a movie theater too. From what I’ve heard it sounds like the kids go to nightclubs and South Beach quite a bit but I’d like to hear from students or parents in the know. The guide glossed over everything, using the words “cool” and “awesome” to describe everything. Didn’t take us inside a single building. We walked around a bit on oh own but didn’t feel like we got the complete picture of student life.</p>

<p>Not sure where all the regulars are tonight, but I’ll try to answer to the best of my knowledge as a parent of 1 graduate of UM and 1 current UM sophomore.
First, there are things going on all over campus every night, not just weekends. From club events, dorm events (freshman experience 40 events in the first 40 days if they choose to get involved). There are frat/sorority events, campus carnival, Canes Night Live, religious group get togethers, house parties (off campus) musicals, plays, concerts, speakers, pep rallies, sporting events…the list goes on! My graduate did not even go to a club until his senior year and that was only to cross it off the bucket list…no need for him, as he had plenty to do around campus. Movie theatre is down the street and campus shuttles take you there on weekends…as well as other places. Also a movie theatre on campus…DD has been to a club or two, but also off campus shows, concerts, etc. Each student is different and their desire to stray from campus or stay nearby is a choice they make…I can tell you that boredom is not a word used about the UM campus…(except perhaps in the summer. I have no experience about this)
Events even in the wellness center, like laser tag, exercise classes, cooking classes, etc. There is always something to do, but some kids study, even on weekends, play board games, pool, sports on the field by the dorms, volleyball, etc. UM provides great opportunities for students that take advantage of them!</p>

<p>I am a student at the University of Miami. I can gladly help you out!
There are people that go out all nights of the week, and people who don’t go out at all, and in-betweeners. I suppose the average student here may go out 2 nights a week. Usually, between Sunday-Wednesday, people stay in and study. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, there are shuttles to Coconut Grove. Most people go to a bar, Moe’s, or more of a dancing place, Frogs. To go to Moe’s, you need a 21 year old ID, so those without one go to Frogs. The Grove is mostly somewhere to go on Thursdays. Fridays there are usually frat parties or house parties that people will go to, and some people go to South Beach on Saturdays. South Beach is extremely expensive and impossible to get into without a fake ID, so a lot of kids don’t actually go to South Beach. I haven’t been there once, and I’ve been having plenty of fun. It just depends what you’re into. A lot of the time, I’ll just hang out with my friends in dorms and walk around the area and go on adventures. There’s usually always activities on campus too, but I can’t really give much feedback on that since I haven’t gone to any. If you have any more questions, let me know. :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the responses. Glad to hear that South Beach may not be as big as I thought. Would love to hear a few more perspectives from parents and kids. Anyone know anything about sorority activities as well? Thanks again.</p>

<p>Hi, NYMOM3Kids,</p>

<p>My D2 is a freshman and she absolutely loves U Miami. She said that there is plenty to do and she is never bored. It depends on what the kids enjoy but there is a variety of activities on and off campus. She enjoys the clubs in South Beach and Biscayne .The frats often have parties at the clubs and they will provide buses both ways either on Friday or Saturday nights. She has gone to concerts on campus and off campus.There are frat parties most weekend. Some of the frat houses are on frat row and others are off campus but not too far away. She enjoys going to Coconut Grove, usually on Thursday nights and Friday happy hour. She loves the football games and the tailgating. On weekends she will go to the pool or beach if she has time. She says that the gym on campus is awesome and works out frequently. There are many good restaurants nearby when she gets tired of meal plan food. Miami has second semester rush so I can’t tell you anything about sorority activities yet but she is planning to rush.I hope that help, let me know if you have any more “mom” questions. I saw your entry on the other board and thought I responded to you there but somehow my entry did not file.</p>

<p>Another parent of a UM grad here. I don’t think I ever heard the word “bored” in S’s 4 years at UM. He attended tons of sporting events, concerts and lectures, and was involved in a fraternity and several campus groups. On weekends he would spend free time time on Key Biscayne and in the Grove. He did the South Beach club thing no more than once or twice during his senior year, just to check the box. UM really has a lot to offer.</p>

<p>Are you kidding? Other than, maybe NYU and Sorbonne, The U. has got to have the best social life in the world. Obviously, the weather: SCUBA, beach, swim, the Keys, the Everglades, water-skiing, tennis, inter-murals, other outdoor sports. Nightclubs, museums, greek life, social clubs. Spectator sports (both professional and collegiate). Gaming sports (race track, Jai’alai, Dog track), restaurants, concerts. Seriously, this school is a college student’s paradise. Not only does one get a tier 1 education, make great friends and enjoy fantastic weather, but he/she gets to do it in one of the most exciting cities on the planet. That is why it is my #1.</p>

<p>Thanks for weighing in. I was specifically asking about evening activities and events on campus. Reputation-wise Miami is known to be about clubbing, but from what others have said here it doesn’t sound like that is entirely true. I went to a school that had fraternity parties on campus every weekend and school sponsored rock concerts as well as cultural events. Just trying to get a good feel for Miami as the tour guide really didn’t help in that regard.</p>

<p>I need to get to class, but I’m sure that you have already read the studentreviewDOTcom profile. If not, it may help.</p>

<p>Hadn’t heard of it. Thanks for the tip!</p>

<p>Seems a lot like college prow ler dotcom.</p>

<p>Similar, I guess. However, if you go to this specific link, you may find useful info.: www DOT students review DOT com / FL /UM DOT html /</p>

<p>Of course, DOT is (.). Also, everything must be squished together.
The thing that I like is that in the upper middle of the page you will find “There are 136 Comments about UM’s undergraduate program: 26 negative, 59 positive.” Click on the red negative and green positive to get actual students candid impressions. I hope this helps. It did help me.</p>

<p>NYMom, my daughter is a junior, and I can honestly say she is the busiest person I know. She is in a sorority, and it has been great, as she has made wonderful friends. Socially, Greek life is great too, as there are constantly charity events, mixers, crush parties, formals, etc. One bit of advice for any girls going through rush…get rec letters in. With the large number of girls going through rush, they help. Chi Omega (my sorority) just colonized at the U, which is great. Rush is not super tough like some other schools. I think most girls that go in with an open mind end up happy.</p>