Social Life Texas A&M Out-Of-State Student

<p>Hey guys, so I recently received the news of my acceptance to the engineering college at Texas A&M! I'm really happy :) and blessed. One of my few concerns of the school is its tiny amount of out-of-state students (3-4% from what I've read). Do any current or former students know if it's hard for out-of-state students to have a social life at Texas A&M? Did most social groups form before coming to Texas A&M, or at A&M? I'm still waiting to hear back from one another school, but Texas A&M is definitely in my top two. This may be a factor in my decision. Thank you for any replies! Also, if you have anything at all to tell me about Texas A&M or its engineering, feel free to! I am trying to absorb any information I can! I'm from Georgia btw.</p>

<p>My kids are OOS, they had no problem mixing in. You will however have to answer the question “so why did you come here?” a billion times! Students here are very welcoming & friendly - it isn’t just a line the tour guide says, it is very true. My kids love it here, great atmosphere to enjoy college life while getting an excellent education. I will say the first couple of days are a little harder being out of state (only because some students cling to their HS roots at first), but once you start up with classes/clubs/sports etc. being in state or out of state didn’t really matter, you are all Aggies. Congrats on your acceptance!</p>

<p>Undergradengr - you will fit in at A&M like a hand in a well fitting velvet glove. A&M is very friendly, and you will love it there, all BS aside. Choose A&M, I’m serious, you will not be disappointed. Best decision I ever made. BTW, I’m 50 years old with undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees from A&M. We’re hoping my senior daughter will be attending in the Fall.</p>

<p>Good luck and congrats on acceptance to A&M.</p>




<p>I was going to say something similar to that, but didn’t know how to say it that well. Yes. My son is in-state and several of his acquaintances and friends from elementary, middle, and high school are at A&M. He still keeps up with them on occasion, but the people he hangs out with the most are those he met since coming to A&M. The two people he connected with the most are OOSer’s. But, it’s probably true that in the very early days, he tended to hang out with his friends from high school. A month or two into academics his first year, that all changed.</p>

<p>I predict that you will love A&M. It’s such a big campus with such a large student body and so many different activities that there are people and activities for everybody to enjoy! My son LOVES it there!</p>

<p>Best of luck in your decision, undergradenginr! :)</p>

<p>@undergradenginr. My son is an engineering freshman from Arizona. He loves A&M! He is working hard, but has already made a bunch of friends. The Honors Dorms let him meet other high-achieving students informally or through planned events. His Foundations of Engineering Lab is a lot of work, but he has enjoyed working with his team members. He hangs with several kids he met in Fish Camp. He also joined the German Club and the Political Debate and Discussion Club, where he gets to interact with non-engineers. There are over 1000 Student Clubs and Organizations.</p>

<p>@AGmomx2‌ @treytexag‌ @SimpleLife‌ @Beaudreau‌
Thank you so much guys!! I really couldn’t have asked for more detailed and helpful answers. I really feel more comfortable about being OOS. I’ll keep you posted about decisions!</p>

<p>I think you will be pleasantly surprised how friendly Texans are! </p>

<p>A couple of suggestions that are a bit repetitious of what others have said: if at all possible go to fish camp, if you aren’t in honors the engineering dorm might be a good choice, find a club or an org that resonates with you and you will be set. Good Luck whatever your choice.</p>

<p>@MaineLonghorn‌ haha i do not doubt it!
@spectrum2‌ thank you for the reply. I actually would be attending this upcoming spring, so it looks like I would have to attend Howdy Camp instead of Fish Camp. Do you have any opinion on Howdy Camp by chance? I plan to get involved in some way, whether it’s a club, organization or both. Thank you so much though!</p>

<p>I’m sorry I don’t know anything about camp but it sounds like you are prepared to make the effort to be a part of the community and if you do I am sure you will be. Good luck!</p>

@undergradenginr Look up Freshmen Leadership Organizations (FLOs). These are a big deal, and the kids form good friendships.