<p>here is my predicament: i am extremely awkward and shy when it comes to people i do not know yet. I do have tons of friends but they are all in the same grade as me (senior) and we have grown up together.</p>
<p>but there has been an influx of freshmen, sophomore, and juniors in our circle of friends, and when they try to talk to me or when i sit with them i shy away and they think i am stuck up, but in reality i am just really shy and mostly awkward with people i dont know.</p>
<p>this one girl, went up to me in a lunch line and i though she was really cute, but when she tried talking to me it surprised me, and i stood there like an ass, making conversation about the juice that i just bought.</p>
<p>what do i do, i cannot make new friends due to this anxious feeling i get when i meet or am around new people.</p>
<p>aww, you need to start talking to new people. That doesn’t mean leave your other friends but If you talk more to new people, socialization shouldn’t be as hard or as big of a problem. It’ll be hard at first, but I’m sure you’ll get better at it. I used to be this shy… but that was in the 6th grade.</p>
<p>go on chatroulette or omegle and just start talking to people. You’ll never see them ever again so there is no pressure at all and you can basically just practice talking to people.</p>
<p>Aww this is really cute.</p>
<p>I thought so too =]</p>
<p>cute nerdy guys like you make me smile.</p>
<p>Yess socially awkward, nerdy, and cute guys. :]</p>
<p>I don’t think the OP should really be that worried. Girls adore these types of guys. I mean no one wants a tool.</p>
<p>meadow digs the “talking about juice” part ;]</p>
<li>just correlating juice with Mars.</li>
<p>tools are the worst</p>
<p>I actually had a milk carton conversation recently if that’s somewhat relevant. I don’t really know anyone that buys juice tbh.</p>
<p>Or maybe not.</p>
<p>^Lol really?</p>
<p>@ Maple:Watch The Jersey Shore and you’ll find a couple of them :rolleyes: The Situation</p>
<p>I think the girls in this thread are unaware of what they really want.</p>
<p>pssht. I’m perfectly aware of what I want… :rolleyes:</p>
<p>^i just want to find love.</p>
<p>At least they’re not delusional like some other people on this thread. </p>
<p>And cute,nerdy, awkward is endearing, there’s no denying that.</p>
<p>bluepotato: o…k?
meadow: exactly
the akward guys are the cutest [Dave <3]</p>
<p>I just think it’s worth pointing out that the opinions posted here sharply contrast with the college life forum and the real world.</p>
<p>oh like the TV show? Nothing is really real there.</p>