Social Scene for Engineers

My S was accepted to Union. His last visit was in the fall of 2018 where there was much talk about the Minerva Houses for freshmen as a way to help jumpstart social relationships; he was excited about this type of housing. He plans to study biomedical engineering and knows the coursework will be tough. When researching Union it is noted as a “party” school because of Greek life. On our last visit to Union, we were told that Greek life is present but if students are not into that there is plenty to do socially. How accurate is this? Thanks

It’s true. You don’t have to participate in Greek life in order to be socially active at Union. The Minerva Houses and Theme Houses schedule social events and anyone can attend those events. There are also plenty of clubs and groups students can join. D is also studying engineering and requested Webster, the quiet dorm during her freshman year.

D is a freshman Biomed. She’s in Richmond. Can’t get to much work done in her room…social scene…so studies in library, engineering bldg, or the Nott. Kids get into different things…including frats…but engineering students do tend quite a bit of time socializing. A fairly high pct of students play sports giving there’s only 2200 students,

Thanks for sharing! My daughter will be a Biomed freshman in the fall. She not interested in the themed Mirnerva houses. @ScholasticsFTW - Did your daughter find Webster, the quiet dorm helpful? @Stemdad90- Does your daughter like Richmond?

Current student here - Webster will no longer be an option for freshmen next year. The students here recently received this email:

Dear students,

I hope your end of term activities are going well.

I am writing today with an announcement about an exciting change that will be happening in the upcoming academic year in some of our residence halls. Due to some shifts in occupancy and building usage, a strategic discussion was held between the dean of students office and residential life about how to maximize our residential offerings for students.

As a result, a decision was made to shift the usage of three residential buildings - Fox House, Davidson House and Webster House. Beginning in the fall 2019, Fox House will be entirely first-year housing, and Davidson and Webster will be entirely upperclass housing. Webster will be added to the housing lottery.

Additionally, a pilot program allowing a small number of first-year students to live in some select Minerva houses is in the process of being developed. More information will be available about this program at a later date.

This decision will allow for a more cohesive first-year experience, given that all first year buildings will be side by side. The Residential Life staff will be coordinating a more dedicated programmatic effort in line with the residential curriculum based around the departmental core values of achievement, citizenship, engagement and wellness.

Residential Life will be holding informational sessions about housing selection and the impact of this shift on the offerings for students. You are strongly encouraged to attend if you have questions. More information can be found here:

We look forward to this exciting change in the residential system. Any questions can be addressed to Amanda Bingel, Director of Residential Life.

The Minerva housing option is likely to replace Webster as a quieter, if not substance-free, dorm. Webster was never actually substance free anyway, and the Minervas are nicer dorms, so this is probably a good thing, but the administration hasn’t made it clear how this new program will work.

Hope this is helpful!