Social Scene: Parties?? Concerts?? ...Hookups?? lol

<p>I'm a prospective student, still weighing out my options...I know Wes is a very good school academically but whats the social scene like?? what are the parties like?? are they mellow or do u have wild dance parties???</p>

<p>sex partyyyyyyyyyyyy</p>

<p>sex party??? really? whats that exactly??</p>

<p>The sex party is a once a year bash held at eclectic. People dress in very little clothing and dance rather uninhibitedly on the dance floor. But it's not a giant orgy or anything, just a slightly ramped up dance party. Sometimes they project porn on the walls.</p>

<p>In general, in terms of parties, there is normally one big all-campus dance party at either eclectic or (most often) Psi U each weekend (sometimes one each night, sometimes a week is skipped), the quality of which vary. There are also a lot of concerts (especially at eclectic), some of which are mellow and some of which can be more intense.</p>

<p>Then there are a lot of dorm, apartment and house parties. These can be anything from a few friends hanging out drinking beers to huge bashes with a kegs and a lot of music. </p>

<p>Basically, you can normally find SOMETHING to fit your tastes here, but if you’re the kind of person who wants to go party hopping to tons of big dance parties all the time, Wes might not be the place for you, because we just don’t have enough people to sustain that kind of scene consistantly. </p>

<p>There are also LOADS of things to do if you don’t feel like partying (film series, plays every week, other performances, lectures, dry events put on by program houses, dinner and a movie-or laser tag-in town, hanging out with friends, etc, etc).</p>

<p>sounds really cool to me because i am not much of the partying type but i do party when the time calls for it, so this sounds perfect to me</p>

<p>I hear the Wesleyan girls shave once a semester at a big get-together. That sounds like a fun bash!</p>

<p>Haha, you are hilarious.</p>

<p>Oh wait, you didn’t get into our school.</p>


<p>william miller '12, assuming that’s you, i’m quite appalled at your elitism.</p>

<p>dont listen to him, he smells.</p>

<p>but seriously, come to wes - its awesome!</p>

<p>PS sex party was insane for anyone willing to step out of their comfort zone</p>

<p>The social scene at Wesleyan is very, very good compared to other comparable schools. The social scene is a bit more diverse - both more big parties, as well as more small get-togethers and more alternative weekend entertainment - than at other similar schools, in part due to its slightly larger size. Still, Wesleyan is small enough to feel like one cohesive community and so you always run into a friend when you’re walking down the street. It’s pretty great.</p>

<p>Any upperclasspeople out there? How does Wesleyan feel after 2 or 3 years? I know it is bigger than most LACs but does it still start to get all claustrophic?</p>

<p>Mad and I are both upperclassman. I certainly haven’t found it claustraphobic.</p>

<p>senior, here.</p>

<p>definitely not claustrophobic at all. i’m more surprised by how many people in my class i still don’t know. and i’m meeting awesome younger people all the time and that’s exciting too.</p>

<p>out of curiosity -
weskid, jumble_j. who are you? do I know you? just curious :P</p>

<p>i won’t say who i am. nosirree.</p>

<p>we’ve met several times and i’m pretty sure you know who i am, but we’re not close friends or anything like that.</p>

<p>no idea who weskid is.</p>

<p>Mad: Like Jumble_J, I’m not going to say who I am. But we certainly know each other (as I think you’ve figured out, we’re going to be sibs by the end of the semester, unless you change your mind :smiley: But there are so many juniors in ADP I’m not sure how much that helps you). If you figure out who I am, I’ll fess to it in a PM.</p>

<p>Lol. I feel weird being unanonymous now. Ah, well :P</p>

<p>So, who else is procrastinating ridiculous amounts of Thanksgiving “break” work?</p>

<p>omg hahhahaha
this thread made me more excited about going to wes!!!
im a questbridge scholar and i got into wes full scholarship :smiley:
class of 2013 <3
so far theres 16 of us
hopefully u guys can all get in and we can have these parties there
ahahaha sex party
thats hilarious!</p>

<p>i heard … mit has a 2 clothing party
lol u can only wear two pieces of clothing
and the most hilarious part is that this one guy wore a necktie and a glove (placed nicely to somewhat cover the area) o.o … -.-;;</p>