social scene

hey i know this is gonna maybe sound lame, but something that is important to me is the social scene at my college - i’m trying to decide between Georgetown University, U Michigan, and U Maryland. I know i want to study media and government, which is why i’m leaning towards Georgetown, but i have to say im worried that i won’t be getting nearly the same social scene that i would get from my other two choices. my academics are important, but i do want to be able to go to a school where on the weekends i can be going to parties, and i don’t know if parties really happen at georgetown.
can anyone speak to that and give me some advice?
thank you

Parties happen at pretty much every school. I’ve even heard of parties at christian schools. If you just want to go out on the weekend, I can almost assure you there will be some parties on the weekend.

Is cost a factor? If so, then UMD’s your best bet no question.

As a UMD student, I can talk to the amount of partying that happens here. If you want to go out, regardless of the night, you can probably find something. You don’t have class until 2pm on Wednesday? You can have a good Tuesday. You want to go clubbing tonight? Alright, let’s just Metro into DC. Want to go to a rager? Well, buses run to frat row and the off campus apartments/houses.

It’s easy to find parties here so long as you meet the right people, and the academics are pretty top notch as well. We have the best of both worlds.

(And, FWIW, a few of my friends here chose UMD over Georgetown and haven’t regretted that decision. In state tuition’s an absolute steal here.)