Social Sciences/Foreign Languages

<p>I know Rice's strongest point is in its sciences, but how do undergrads (and hopefully any polisci/econ majors) feel about the foreign language and social science programs there? Specifically, level of class discussion, work load, professors vs TAs, etc.</p>

<p>Also is it difficult to double major or major between schools?</p>

<p>well I do know that 30% of Rice students graduate with a double major and I also know that Rice does not have any minors. As to the other part, I have no clue</p>

<p>For the past couple of years, Rice has offered a business minor. There may not be others, but this ‘minor’ exists. I understand that double majors are VERY common.</p>

<p>double majors are very common, and once in a while you’ll even see someone with a triple major. although a few years ago no minors were offered, an increasing number of minors have been added to the curriculum every few years</p>

<p>There’s a business minor, math minor? and a global health minor at the moment, I think. The global health program is superb, btw.</p>

<p>There’s also a computational finance minor, and a neuroscience minor in the works</p>

<p>DD had excellent foreign language instruction at Rice, and her language profs were great. She ended up a social science major and really loved her anthropology department.</p>

<p>On the subject of foreign languages, I’m relatively certain that there’s a German studies minor.</p>

<p>Language classes will have a lot of work, but it’s mostly volume and frequency and not difficulty that’s the problem (you need repetition to drill it in).</p>