Social security benefits of the student -CSS profile

Do you include Social security benefits received for the student on the CSS profile under Parents Total income and benefits? Please advise.

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I’m not an expert on CSS Profile, but I did find this article: It says SS benefits for students aren’t reported (but they are for parents). Hopefully someone else can confirm?

Correct. Student social security benefits aren’t reportable, parent benefits are.

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We have a multigenerational living situation for the past decade or so. Since we have both elderly parents who are all retired with small pension and SSI benefits, live with us and depend on us for other things to help them out (housing, transportation, medical interpreter, etc), I have included their social security in out untaxed income since half of their expenses we do provide ourselves. I think I did the same with my daughter’s CSS profile 4 years ago. Not sure if it was the right thing to do but it doesn’t change our family circumstances.

I don’t believe that you need to do that. But if it doesn’t make a difference for aid, then it’s not a problem.