<p>should i put my name and social security number on the top of my essay and additoinal information for identification?</p>
<p>and just another question. i did a topic of my choice for the essay. is it necessary to write my topic on it?</p>
<p>should i put my name and social security number on the top of my essay and additoinal information for identification?</p>
<p>and just another question. i did a topic of my choice for the essay. is it necessary to write my topic on it?</p>
<p>Name and SSN are not necessary; your essays will be converted to PDF files with your Common App ID number on them.</p>
<p>As to your topic – just make sure you introduce it well enough that people reading your essay will be able to figure out what you’re writing and why. You can write yourself a prompt, or include the topic in your introductory sentences, or just write very clearly. Don’t leave the admissions committee wondering, “What the heck is the point of this essay?”</p>
<p>k. thanks.</p>