social stuff to do

Im new to this website and I am a second year EE major. I have basically been studying most of my time, but I want to start getting into the social/party scene here. I always see people going to frat row but I'm rather puzzled at how you would find event. One of my friends said he tried walking down frat row but he said that they don't let guys in unless you're on some list. so my question is, is this true? if so, how do you get onto the guest list? I don't know anyone in a frat, as most of my friends are not really into partying.

<p>Find some hot girls to go with you, otherwise you have no chance. But even then they might only allow the girls in and not you.</p>

<p>Or you can get to be friends with frat guys and get in too</p>

<p>go to the rush events at beginning of the quarters and get to know the people.
even if you don’t rush, you’re bound to meet some people who know some people who know the people who throw parties.</p>