Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers - for more than engineers

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They have a scholarship page offering awards for students majoring in technical, scientific, and math degrees. Check back periodically to see when the next cycle opens.

If you are going into engineering or the majors listed below see if your university has a student branch of this. Otherwise you can become a member and, if you like, start a branch on your campus. Their conferences and events are great for networking.
Undergraduate Member ($10.00)

Student membership is open to all engineering, math, physical, applied, and computer science majors. All others are invited to become associate members. Graduate students have the option to join SHPE either as a student or Professional Chapter. If you choose not to be affiliated with a chapter on your campus, you will be considered an “At-Large Member,” classified by your geographical region. Members “At-Large” receive the same benefits as those who belong to a chapter.

Scholarship applications are open Most will accept students in any STEM field for requirements