Software Engineering MCA

To be admitted into the software engineering major at cal poly slo what should your MCA roughly be (like a range)? What is like the middle 50% of MCA score of those accepted into the software engineering major at cal poly slo? If anyone could share this information that would be helpful please.



And do senior classes that are planned or currently taken count towards the 750 rigor points for the MCA

Senior classes do count towards rigor, but not towards GPA. No one can tell you 50th percentile. It’s not published. The best thing to do is to search the thread linked below to see who got in last year and realize that it’s only a small sample.

Use the magnifying glass in the top of the final status discussion, type in software and all posts with that key word will be listed to check the MCA score.

thanks @Gumbymom and @eyemgh

@Gumbymom what would say is the hardest major to get into for UCSD as a first time freshman? (cs?,bio?)

