<p>Hello CC. Today I got a call from an interviewer in my area who said he was glad that I was applying to Princeton and wanted to set up an interview, which suprised me a bit. I applied to Princeton sort of on a whim (hey, common app...) and while I may have a slight chance, I'm not the kind of candidate they'd call out of nowhere. The only thing I can think of that would really put me ahead is some research experience, but that's probably not too uncommon. Is this Princeton's normal MO, or do they really want me or something? What do you think my chances are with these stats:</p>
<p>White male from rural VA, Engineering app</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 weighted
SAT I: 2270 (800 RC, 740 W, 730 M)
SAT IIs: Math IIc 750, Literature 740
APs: 5 in US History [Only AP offered Junior year (except languages), I plan to take more this year]</p>
<p>Most difficult courses possible, independent study junior and senior year in some fairly advanced electronics stuff</p>
<p>Coauthored a manuscript pending publication in a prestegious physics journal</p>
<p>Accepted to VA Governor's school (turned down to pursue research position)</p>
<p>National Merit Semifinalist</p>
<p>Strong and consistent independent interest in computer science and electronic design (20+ H/Week since forever)</p>
<p>Ski Club - founder and president</p>
<p>Academic Team - captain</p>
<p>Active in local Venture Crew</p>
<p>Keyboard, Guitar, Composition (pretty informal)</p>
<p>Great essays, an amazing rec. from the professor who directed our research project (said it was the best he'd ever written), two probably decent teacher recs., and a great councellor rec.</p>
<p>I stressed the laser optics research stuff in the essays (it was an incredible experience) and wrote a really solid "why engineering" essay with some pretty out there stuff about socio-technological trends. I think on the whole they expressed my personality pretty effectively. I got kind of goofy on the interests/inspiration section.</p>
<p>I also have some pretty significant professional experience in computing (development and network administration) through freelance work and through a local university. </p>
<p>What do you think, and what's with the call (didn't request an interview)?</p>