Some advice about two bad grades I got while in high school and also switching JC's

<p>So I am a freshman at my local community college right now. I'm hopeful of transferring to Cal HAAS or USC Marshall. </p>

<p>Now I got a D in statistics while a senior in high school and a C in US History 112. It is my understanding that for UC's, I can just retake the classes and they will accept my new grade. My question is what can I do about USC? My understanding for that is I retake it then both of the grades are factored into my gpa. Now, I believe I at least have a somewhat valid reason for this. I was on the varsity basketball team, and I thought I could handle the extra classes but obviously I couldn't.</p>

<p>Just wondering what I can do to make the best of this. Is there anyway I can get them taken off my schedule? Or do you think there's a chance I can still get into USC after retaking Stats? </p>

<p>Also, so that I don't have to make a new thread, I'm considering transferring from College of the Canyons (Where I am right now) to Santa Monica College. The main reason for this is that I just really want to move out of my house. Would this affect anything with my transcript? And also, I'm taking PreCalculus and Spanish 101 right now, will both those transfer and allow me to take Calculus and Spanish 2 in the spring at the different college? </p>

<p>Thanks for any and all help that you can offer me.</p>

<p>Bump for any advice.</p>

<p>huh? i'm confused...are you asking if you retake a class in college if you can have the grade you got in hs removed from your hs transcript? the answer is very much no...if you are asking is if you retake the classes in college if your grades for those college will count towards your gpa, then the answer is yes...HOWEVER, i would assume that most schools would not look kindly upon a grade for a course you took twice</p>

<p>the fact that you were on the hs basketball team will NOT mitigate in anyway your poor performance in those to classes...everybody has ec's in hs, and moreover, you cannot just expect them to positively factor you basketball ec and then disregard the grades you got ostensibly because of can't have it both ways...</p>

<p>your going to have to post your stats, but usc seems to be out of</p>