<p>Just wondering if anyone could answer these questions:
(1) What is the area like?
(2) How does the college feel academically/socially?
(3) How is their financial aid?
(4) What is the general political climate?</p>
<p>Also, if you have any impressions of the college, I'd greatly appreciate it. A friend of mine is thinking about transfering there next year...</p>
<p>"It's extremely boring there, so you don't have much to do.
Also, it is not a competitive college.
I would suggest your friend to avoid it."</p>
<p>Not at all the impression I got from my daughter's interview and tour with 'Rich'. </p>
<p>While it is not of a size comparable to UW-Madison, there are many who are seeking an undergrad education experience at a 'college' -- rather than a 'university' with enough students to comprise a small city unto itself. I did my undergrad at a university with more than 14,000. I have done my best to make sure my D's are aware of the difference in environment and educational opportunities.</p>
<p>Albright would appear to be one of many US N&R 3rd tier-like small LAC's in the mid-Atlantic. It is located in a small city, Reading, and Philly seems easily accessible. I certainly would not consider it isolated. </p>
<p>If your friend cannot visit, I would suggest visiting the website and contacting one of the 'tour guides' directly. </p>
<p>As for competitiveness, it depends -- in relation to what? As always, you get out of your educational experience what you put in. Each individual may perform better and attain more in differing circumstances. If you're not getting answers here, check out other review sources on-line (or at Border's or Barnes & Noble's), visit the school's website and find sources and student contacts with first hand knowledge and experience you can talk with directly.</p>
<p>I would suggest visiting it. I live in Reading so I know the area. You should know if you're comfortable with the area or not before going to Albright</p>
<p>My son was accepted at Albright, and is considering it. Do you have personal knowledge of Albright, or when you say it's boring and not competitive, is that because Albright has that kind of reputation? We don't live in that area, so are kind of clueless until he has a chance to visit.</p>
<p>Reading is not a nice, nor a very safe city. That said, I have a neighbor whose son went to Albright. Don't know how he felt but it was his choice out of many schools. Best to go there and check it out yourself.</p>
<p>The campus is nice, quiet, and it seems to have a good community. Everyone is <em>really</em> friendly, from the library staff to the campus security to the professors. However, Reading is not such a great city. There's not much to walk to from campus. I also don't know how many students stay on campus over the weekend, which could be a factor in "bonding" (or not bonding) to the school.</p>
<p>I graduated years ago from Albright (BS Math). I can't say enough good about the caliber of my professors in the math and other depts (incl. Chem), and am thrilled to know some of my favorites are still affiliated there as Emeriti. Albright brings to the table what fewer and fewer schools today seem to have --- strong and natural student-to-teacher connections that are remembered for decades. And the memories don't stop there.</p>
<p>After Albright, I went on, well-prepared, to graduate school (MS Advanced Technology), which propelled me into a very rich and rewarding 20+ year career in the sciences. Believe it or not, I still occasionally refer to my old (and tattered) college textbooks in my line of work!</p>
<p>I know it's tempting to completely guage a candidate school on what may be said by USNWR and others, but they are merely data points, not the whole curve, and some high school guidance counselors are frustrated to no end over their popularity among college applicants. Sure, the 'Big Hair' Days of then may have passed, but the total Albright experience keeps on giving.</p>
<p>Visited my nephew at Albright this year. I found the area a little depressing. He lives off campus and there was a lot of campus security driving around, but that didn't prevent his car from being stolen. Went to the grocery store while there, a LOT of sketchy people. I know the school itself was a positive experience for him and he is a guy, but if it were my D, I'd rule it out in a heartbeat. Also, if you've lived a sheltered existance in suburbia, it may not be the place for you ..guy or girl.</p>
<p>My D is at Albright as a freshman. She was Salutatorian at her HS, and is enjoying the beginning of her 2nd semester. No complaints academically and professors are genuinely interested and seem affable and genial from D’s recount of interaction. </p>
<p>D quickly developed a network of friends from her dorm and in classes. </p>
<p>No significant unusual safety concerns, just the standards for any campus bordering a semi-urban area. In other words, don’t walk alone at night and always remain conscious of your surroundings. The campus itself is fairly removed from downtown Reading. Reading appears to be similar to many other older small northeastern cities, whether across Penn., in upstate NY, or in New England all making attempts to rebound with limited success given the economy in the aftermath of the recent past and continued economic decline of the area. </p>
<p>The financial package sealed the deal for D. Yet, she was offered similar amounts of aid from other schools, including Skidmore, Hartwick, RPI, E-Town, Juniata, but felt comfortable choosing Albright and remains happy with her choice.</p>
<p>I was quite surprised to find an Albright board here at CC.</p>
<p>Dado2girls, thank you for posting so recently. A friend suggest that D consider Albright and I had never heard of the school. I’l like to know why your D preferred Albright to Hartwick, which is the only school from your post that my D is also considering. In particular, I’d like to know how you would describe the student body (preppy, studious, partiers, frat/sororities, hipsters, etc.). I am untroubled by Albright’s tier3 ranking as D is a fairly average student (B/B- grades, PSAT 163) and we are looking to add match/safety schools to her list.</p>
<p>In the end it was a very difficult choice between Albright and Hartwick for her. Her sister attends Hartwick and her Admissions rep there was Rene. Hartwick had many pluses going for it and was neck-and-neck with Albright, however, my Albright D is a swimmer and she felt that she would have a better fit with the Albright Swim team and their conference. Also, because she was a salutatorian, Albright offered an extra award for valedictorians and salutatorians. Albright is not as geographically removed as Hartwick. D made fast and good friends at Albright. </p>
<p>I do not believe any of her friends are frat/sorority pledges. D is pretty self-motivatingly studious and it seems the connections she has made are similarly minded and all are involved in some extracurriculars. However, she has also intimated that she has found her co-students in math and english courses to be more committed to routinely completing readings and out-of-class work than she has found in social science courses – but that is also my recollection from undergrad days a few decades ago as a poli-sci/history major.</p>
<p>D is not a drinker, but that has not impeded a social life. It sounds like drinking may not be uncommon, but no talk about drugs. I did not ask her, but judging from what I have seen on campus I certainly would not classify the student body as preppy. It covers a wide range of students, probably including preppy, but you could not ever think of a preppy influence such as that visible at Lafayette or Villanova.</p>