Some chances...

<p>SAT I: 800 Math / 700 Crit. Reading / 740 Writing
SAT II: 740 Physics / 730 Math Level II / Chemistry (to be taken in December)
AP Stats- 5
Music Theory course through Adelphi: A+</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.93
Weighted GPA: 4.10
Rank: 4/275 </p>

<p>Current Schedule:
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
SUPA College Writing 105
SUPA College Sociology 101
Honors Spanish
Concert Band</p>

-President of the Environmental Club / 4 years
-Captain of the math team / 3 years
-Lead guitar in jazz band / 4 years
-Section Leader in marching band / 4 years
-Volunteer at local soup kitchen 15 hours a week over the summer
-Guitarist and songwriter in original rock bands, played countless charity shows / 4 years
-Founded school's environmental club website
-Maintains school gardens over the summer / 1 hour daily</p>

-High Honor Roll all quarters
-National Honor Society
-Foreign Language Honor Society
-National Merit Commended
-Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth / SAT Award at 8th grade level</p>

<p>1 excellent rec, 1 very good rec.</p>

<p>Good->Very Good essays.</p>

<p>Chances for a white male New York resident to...</p>

<p>Columbia College (ED)
SUNY Stony Brook (EA)
Johns Hopkins
Carnegie-Mellon (School of Science)
Boston University
Case Western Reserve
M.I.T. haha</p>


<p>You are a very qualified candidate and about MIT: i think you have a good a shot as any.</p>

<p>Hmm... anyone else?</p>


<p>Last time...</p>

<p>I'd say you have a pretty good chance at all these schools : yale, cornell, Mit are slight reaches/matches because of your GPA..but your rank makes up for it soo..well done</p>

<p>By the these schools look at awards from the eighth grade?
<em>SAT Award at 8th grade level</em></p>

<p>I was thinking the same thing about that award. My guidance counselor said it is taken into consideration and I should make note of it. Thanks for your input.</p>