<p>You have to subscribe. There haven't been any textbooks posted in the last few weeks, other than a massive number of French/German books and some graduate level texts. Much more will be posted at the beginning of the semester, when people are looking to buy and everyone is bacck in Pittsburgh.</p>
<p>anyone selling the 33-211 book for less than $50?</p>
<p>Has everyone already bought their textbooks? Online it says that freshman schedules are not final until August 18th, so I thought we were supposed to wait until then...</p>
<p>i'm thinking about ordering some of mine tonight (flight is tomorrow) but I doubt even 30 percent of students have ordered any (this number is based on nothing)</p>
<p>Are you buying yours from the bookstore or looking for better deals elsewhere?</p>
<p>elsewhere is a very, very good idea, unless you have $100 to throw away</p>
<p>where is a good place to buy books. Amazon has about the same pricing as the CMU bookstore (about 3-5 bucks cheaper per book but thats not much).</p>
<p><a href="http://www.textbookpower.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.textbookpower.com/</a> has information about various textbook buying websites. I think I found abebooks (related to half price books, I think) the cheapest source for my textbooks last year.</p>
<p>for novels and the like, i use half.com (it's through ebay). not sure how it looks for textbooks, though.</p>