<p>I am planning on applying to Ivy League and I had some questions that I need help answering.</p>
<p>I have represented my school in 3 golf tournaments (2 international school league tournaments, and one "prestigious" tournament including teams from every school in the city) however I did not win any medals. I have a certificate of participation though. Should I put this on my application?</p>
<p>I started a club, which the club co-ordinator was very impressed by. She said in all the years at the school she had never seen anyone take such "initiative" or start this kind of club (its a club run by students to help younger students in a wide range of subjects). However, I do not think I will get a recommendation done by her, so how can I show the uniqueness of my club in my application?</p>
<p>I have read in various places that commitment to clubs is very important in college applications to the Ivy League. So, if I were to be a member/president of a club for 2 years would this show commitment? If I were unable to be a member longer, how else could I show commitment?</p>
<p>Should I include Mensa International on my college application?</p>
<p>I come from Hong Kong, so there are not as many academic competitions/awards/societies here. Do Ivy League colleges know and appreciate that?</p>
<p>I'm sorry I have asked a lot of questions but you do not need to answer them all. Even an answer to one is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!</p>