Some general questions..


<p>I am planning on applying to Ivy League and I had some questions that I need help answering.</p>

<p>I have represented my school in 3 golf tournaments (2 international school league tournaments, and one "prestigious" tournament including teams from every school in the city) however I did not win any medals. I have a certificate of participation though. Should I put this on my application?</p>

<p>I started a club, which the club co-ordinator was very impressed by. She said in all the years at the school she had never seen anyone take such "initiative" or start this kind of club (its a club run by students to help younger students in a wide range of subjects). However, I do not think I will get a recommendation done by her, so how can I show the uniqueness of my club in my application?</p>

<p>I have read in various places that commitment to clubs is very important in college applications to the Ivy League. So, if I were to be a member/president of a club for 2 years would this show commitment? If I were unable to be a member longer, how else could I show commitment?</p>

<p>Should I include Mensa International on my college application?</p>

<p>I come from Hong Kong, so there are not as many academic competitions/awards/societies here. Do Ivy League colleges know and appreciate that?</p>

<p>I'm sorry I have asked a lot of questions but you do not need to answer them all. Even an answer to one is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Sorry, but another really important question I forgot to ask was regarding the essay. I have read in many places that you should emphasize on one EC in your essay. I want to talk about undertaking golf. - I did it to get closer to my father as I really didn’t communicate with him much, so I practiced golf about 5 hours a day, went on the golf course once every week and it helped me get closer to him. After playing for 3 months I took part in tournaments. I realized that the vigor I had input into learning golf could be applied elsewhere and I started applying it to my studies as well as other endeavours. - Would this be a viable topic to focus on in my essay?</p>

<p>Jebar, I’ll try to answer each question as best I can.</p>

<p>Golf- mention it. You don’t have to win an award to have had an activity be an important time commitment and something you value personally. Mention the tournaments on the application. The certificate isn’t important, they’re not likely to ask for proof of it, but if you interview in person they may very well talk about it.</p>

<p>Club- If at ALL possible, get a letter of recommendation from the club coordinator (if they can write a decent letter, that is). If it’s not possible, give a brief explanation of founding the club, purpose, time commitment, and why it’s important to you.</p>

<p>Being involved with a club for multiple years does show commitment, but a brief summary (if the application allows it, if not, make sure you include it on an academic resume) of what you did with the club, committees you chaired, etc. will enhance that commitment.</p>

<p>Mensa- I’m leaving that up to you. It’ll either impress the committee or make you look conceited, and there’s no real way to predict what the board will think of it. I personally wouldn’t include it- the committee will see you are very bright by your GPA and test scores. IQ isn’t an active factor in admissions and you can’t predict the reaction, but ultimately you need to decide if you want to include it or not.</p>

<p>Hong Kong- most committees will be familiar with the differences in the education system, yes.</p>

<p>Golf essay- It’s a potentially compelling topic, and I can see it making a very good essay if you can tie it in with how it helped you focus and succeed in school. If the schools you are applying to provide prompts and you can tie it in with them smoothly, go for it. If they don’t provide prompts, it’s still a good topic, just expand on it to cover your bases.</p>

<p>Hope that helps a little.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot mate! Was a great help. </p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone else could give their opinions on my questions regarding Mensa, commitment to clubs, and essay topics!</p>

<p>I really need assurance in those topics.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys!</p>

<p>MENSA is perfectly fine to include – no one would think you’re conceited. But trust me, it won’t be the reason you’re rejected or accepted.</p>

<p>As for essay advice, may I suggest this?
[Essays</a>, Admission Information, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“]Essays”></p>