Some GPA recalculation questions

<p>I have a couple questions about how colleges will recalculate my GPA:</p>

<li> I transferred schools after 10th grade. My new school does not use grades from my old school in calculating my GPA; only courses from my new school count. Am I right in thinking that colleges will recalculate my GPA using grades from both schools?</li>

<p>If yes: My old school reports quarter grades rather than semester grades. Will colleges calculate GPA based off the quarter grades, or average them together to produce semester grades, and calculate GPA based on those?</p>

<li> Will colleges factor summer school grades into my GPA?</li>

<p>1) If you are applying to UC schools you enter your classes and grades and it produces a GPA ( not completely familiar with how it works, because I didn’t apply to a UC school).</p>

<p>2) I don’t think colleges will recalculate your GPA instead they will look at your transcript and take everything into context. I believe many colleges want you to send transcripts from both schools (I was forced to), so they will take a look at both and how GPA is calculated. Everything is processed in context, so I wouldn’t worry too much, just do well in the classes that you are enrolled in.</p>