<p>The title is pretty self explanatory. I've noticed some people (looking at some of the threads) are making Rutgers seem like some college that can not be attainable. Sure it's not easy to get into, but Rutgers isn't HARD to get into-espeicially if your INSTATE.</p>
<p>These people (not going to point out who but I think anybody that's been reading this forum know who I'm talking about) is RIDICULOUSLY putting Rutgers up there. I'm not saying go look down on Rutgers cuz you shouldn't-by all means it's a GREAT school. But I just feel it's not on par with schools like Villanova, Carnegie Mellon, TCNJ, Boston College etc. </p>
<p>If you don't trust me trust the stats. Go to College board, Princeton Review. THe MIDRANGE SAT score is 530-630 on Critical Reading, 560-670 on Math, and 530-640 on Writing. Does these look like stellar scores to you? Good yes, but not stellar. ALSO these are MIDRANGE scores that means yes there's people who score higher BUT there's people who score lower. </p>
<p>And if your going to say those were last year stats, I'm going to burst your bubble last year and this year not much of a difference. So people that's worrying about getting into Rutgers, calm down. I think high school students need to be on top of things, but also we need some down time.</p>
<p>hey, im not one of those people who just think rutgers is the best school ever, but I think rutgers is a great school. outside of new jersey, rutgers is considered a top school in the nation. its just that people have this biased opinon that all local colleges are garbage, so people in new jersey think rutgers is trash and it defenitely is not. its considered a “public ivy”, so that tag alone speaks volumes in my book. a lot of people get accepted into rutgers because its a huge public school. so no, i dont think its hard at all to get into, but its still a top school i think IS on the same levell as villanova, boston college, and all of the other colleges that the poster previously mentioned. this is a great example of the acceptance rate of a school NOT reflecting its “greatness”.</p>
<p>First off how can Rutgers be on par with places like Carnegie Mellon and Boston College? Sure all colleges has their positives and negatives. And sure acceptance rates might not accurately state on a college “greatness as you say”. I would like to know why you think that Rutgers is on the same level as colleges such as Carnegie Mellon. Because Rutgers has a alot of opportunities? A diploma from the colleges I mentioned is alot more it’s worth than a diploma from Rutgers. I’m not saying Rutgers is a bad school, and I’m not saying that Rutgers is trash. I’m not going to get wishy washy and say this college may fit well for a student like this blah blah blah blah blah, just look at the stats. What I want to put on the table is Rutgers is a great school; however, people these days are saying that Rutgers is hard to get into and I’m trying to prove that it’s not espeically if your from instate. And interms of public ivy I think The College of New Jersey and the College of William and Mary are one the few public schools that can be named that way.</p>
<p>like I said before, I know Rutgers isn’t hard to get in to at all because its a large public school, which has nothing to do with its quality. you say “A diploma from the colleges I mentioned is alot more it’s worth than a diploma from Rutgers.” It all depends on what you’re going in to. If you’re going for pharmacy or pre-med, Rutgers is a great choice, but not for everything obviously. This can be applied to all schools.</p>
<p>They, i.e. admission credentials, depend on the statistics of your high school and its graduates. If your scores are lower and your rank is high, you will be more likely to be admitted. If you come from a strong high school, which indicates you have had the opportunity to prepare for admissions testing and higher level classes, your scores, rank, and grades all need to be quite good. So, if you have friends admitted from other high schools and their statistics are not outstanding, it may say more about their school and Rutgers’ mission as a state school…no guarantees for all. Obviously some programs are more competitive than others, i.e. pharmacy, engineering, business; and some admissions are audition/portfolio based (Mason-Gross).</p>
<p>Students who graduate from Rutgers do quite well when matched with the graduates of the most respected schools in the country. They are prepared, and they are ready to handle the obstacles of many if not most situations. They are not coddled or protected. They learn to function in the real world. This is a big advantage as they go forth from their undergraduate education.</p>
<p>FWIW, Rutgers did not make Moll’s original list of “public ivies” nor did he consider it a “worthy runner-up.” When the Greenes later published their list of public ivies, they included Rutgers, but also schools like Arizona.</p>
<p>William and Mary made Moll’s original list. TCNJ hasn’t made any list, though it is worthy of consideration. Then again, Murray State calls itself “Kentucky’s Public Ivy.” So much for the value of the term.</p>
<p>I’d simply say that Rutgers, on its own merits, is a fine school and leave it at that.</p>