<p>yeah, so i work in the counselor's office @ my school. today, there was a lady from the DeVry Institute who was recruiting (nobody showed up). so, one of the counselors asked me where i was going to college and, obviously, i responded by saying "Princeton doesnt mail their decisions until tomorrow hopefully". one of the girls who works with me says she is making cookies for monday to celebrate my acceptance. so im like, "um....havent been accepted yet, lady" "thats ok," she says "if you dont get in (euphemism for 'if nobody loves you') they will be christmas cookies!" so the subject got dropped until i sat to eat my lunch next to the DeVry lady, who then asked "what do you want to study when you go to princeton?" i thinking <em>awkward</em>, but i chuckled and was like "um......havent been accepted yet, miss" she just waved dismissively and was like "what do you want to study when you go to princeton" i was about to yell at her "WHAT DO YOU KNOW? YOU WORK FOR FRIGGIN DEVRY!! DEVRY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!", trash the place with a baseball bat/pimp cane or something and then live as a fugitive for the rest of my life. instead, i just said "operations research" and timidly nibbled at my sandwich. man, some people just dont know....</p>
<p>haha rude boy :D. oh devry. we have many of those. oh i would never go to devry lol. i would cry</p>
<p>i know what u mean. My parents and I (dunno about my sister) know that I will get into the best college for me, whichever it is, which is why a pton deferral (i dont expect to be rejected), while dissapointing, wont be too horrible. However, my extended family talk so confidently about my acceptance to Pton, and I don't want to break their bubble or anything by not getting in. Oh well, we'll know in a few days.</p>
<p>BTW I took a class in Digital Circuitry over the summer at DeVry, and I was wondering why people would take this place and pay $40,000 over ASU, which at the very most for in-staters is $4,000.</p>
<p>I know someone who goes to DeVry. It's like the token school to trash.
"Omg I failed my test"
"haha you're gonna go to devry"</p>
<p>kinda sad. I don't think their admissions people even bother to come to my school</p>