Some questions about the UC application

I’m filling it out right now, and I’m kind of confused (might be a stupid question but oh well).

  1. Under scholarships, I have the option to choose whether I’m a California community college transfer, but I’m confused since I’m not a transfer yet so do I choose that?
  2. When I choose the degree once I transfer, it says the option "Associate for transfer (AA-T, AS-T), or “Associates”. Which one do I select?
  3. Do I leave test scores blank?

Just super worried, don’t want to get anything wrong and risk the chance of getting my application rejected over something simple

The application is referring to what you will be at the end of Spring 2017 semester. So If you are graduating in the spring with an associate degree, put that down. You should know because you have to fill out all of the classes anyway. If you have the test scores, put them in there. However, unless specifically asked, test score are usually for HS students only.