Some questions about university housing

1. As a part of your Wisconsin Experience, consider ranking a Residential Learning Community, the Substance-Free Community, or the Transfer House (as applicable) as your #1 preference. Students who have a learning community lower on their list may be assigned to a learning community if space is available.


<p>Can somebody elaborate these statement? Does it mean that i cannot choose a hall without learning community as my #1 preferences? And why are some of the hall highlighted yellow on the hall preferences screen?</p>

<p>Also I am interested in a single room. After looking up for some information, I have narrowed my choices into two : Barnard and Adams. Which one is better?</p>

<p>Students who put a Residential Learning Community as their first choice are nearly guaranteed to get that, and are even able to go in and choose the specific room later in the process. If you are willing to live in a Residential Learning Community, but do not put it first, you don’t have that same level of assurance that you will get it. </p>

<p>Depending on your ranking, you may get anywhere from your first choice to deep down your list. Students ranking Sellery or Witte as their first and second choices will probably get one of those because those two dorms together house over 2000 students. If you first several choices are all smaller dorms, you may wind up assigned to a dorm way down your list. </p>

<p>Search the UW board for old threads on housing – the same questions come up often, about singles, specific dorms etc. </p>