Some quick questions

<p>Hi, just had a few questions about references:
I'm a homeschooling international student, and I have non-traditional references. Would it be ok for them to write a reference without using the Common Application teacher reference form, since most of the questions on it won't apply..??
I was also wondering if it would be ok for them to fax in the recommendation, instead of mailing it, because I live far away and the mail is unreliable.

<p>Homeschool students face challenges. Your rec letters need to be outside, objective discussions about your academic work. Have you taken classes in any formal setting? Is there an instructor (non family) who can attest to your academic ability? When you say “non-traditional” what do you mean? You really need rec letters that speak about you as a student – not as a “good” person.</p>

<p>For international rec writers who may be unfamiliar with what top schools are looking for,have a look here:
[Writing</a> Recommendations | MIT Admissions](<a href=“]Writing”>How to write good letters of recommendation | MIT Admissions)</p>

<p>As for faxing, you should contact the school and ask them. I think you should scan and email as well as mail a hard copy. Do both.</p>