<p>Hows the Computer Science there?
How strong do you believe it is?</p>
<p>Also totally off topic-Hows the campus look?</p>
<p>Hows the Computer Science there?
How strong do you believe it is?</p>
<p>Also totally off topic-Hows the campus look?</p>
<p>Hey i'm a freshman at NU and everyone i know in computer science says that its the hardest thing that they have ever done in their lives. If u stick with it you will get paid a lot of money though.</p>
<p>also, the campus is really nice. We are really close to things like fenway park, copley, the prudential center. and the T is right there on campus so its not hard to visit friends at other schools or go shopping at downtown crossing, fanueil hall or visit cambridge. Back to the campus though, one of the perks of being an upperclassman is living i the west village and if u decide to visit then you will c what i mean. lastly, there is a tunnel system undergound that connects some of the classroom buildings in the center of campus.</p>
<p>kimmibee, What is your major, or if undeclared, what classes do you have, and how are you finding it. I remember your posts last year. The initial aid package was not that great for you. Were you able to increase the package substantially? Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>thx for the reply :) Im not worried about things being hard considering I already go to a technical high-school for Computer programming, and though this wont compare to the toughness, I like a challenege.</p>
<p>i;m not undeclared i'm a communications major. my classes are going really well. I take applications of algebra for my math credit, which is math for non-math people (it's so easy i dont understand how ppl r failing it). i also take college writing which every freshman no matter what major has to take (except i think for engineers its called technical writing but i'm not sure).</p>
<p>I was able to increase my financial aid package by almost $5000 so that was good. i just took out loans for the rest of my tuition money.</p>
<p>kimmibee thanks, not a bad deal.</p>