some tests more weight than others?

<p>i am only planning on applying to UC's, which according to collegeboard you only have to take 2 satII tests and they just have to be different subjects. so I took US history (800) and Lit (760). </p>

<p>but i noticed that basically everyone's taking mathII. i didn't want to take it becasue math isn't my strongest subject, and i think with studying i'd only get up to a 730. </p>

<p>will the colleges not like how i didn't take the math subject test?
will they assume i didn't take it becasue i can't do math? my grades in math have all been A's except 1 B, but I have just taken regular, not honors except next year i'm going to be taking AP calc but just the AB one.</p>

<p>are math and science tests looked more favorably on than history/literature/language?</p>

<p>don't colleges ask you to declare what major you want to persue and then look at how you are doing in the appropriate courses? if so then certain subjects are more impoprtant than others..</p>

<p>Your lit score is incredible even compared to an 800 Math Level 2. Don't worry about it; instead, rest easy with the thought that you got a really good score on a test that is much, much more difficult than the Math Level 2.</p>

<p>I think it depends on which major you're doing.</p>