Some thoughts after a long admission process...

<p>So after a long 8 months, I am so glad the admissions process is done. I wanted to share some thoughts and give advice to some of the junior hispanic students that will be applying next year. First and foremost, never let anybody tell you where you can or can't get into. Don't feel scared to send that application to Harvard or whatever your dream school may be, you never know. I sent a total of 8 apps, accepted at 5, waitlisted at 1, and rejected at 2. Make sure you have 2 safeties, 3 targets, and at least 1 reach. Don't make the same mistake as me and overlook the financial aspect. I did not have a financial safety on my list and its coming back to haunt me. The cheapest college so far (and i say so far because two packages are under review) will be my state college UGA (which will still end up costing me around 5000 in loans/year). Try to get on a personal level with your counselor, the rec he or she sends in is just as important (if not more) than a teacher rec. Work as early as you can on your essays and don't try to write to impress the admission office. Instead, try to express yourself as a real and genuine person. Don't blow off essays (or else you'll have a miserable last two weeks from my personal experience) as they are one of the only ways the adcoms can see who you really are. Challenge yourself your senior year and take as many AP's as you can. Get involved in activities you really like and can devote significant time to(don't just pad your resume with various clubs). But most importantly, don't stress!! College is what you make of it, don't obsess about a school just because of its prestige. If you are motivated, you will be sucessful wherever you go. With that said, I want to thank the various posters on this forum that have helped me tremendously in the past year, especially Entomom. I certaintly could not have done it without you guys. Here are my stats and my admission decisions, just so you guys can kind of compare and see.</p>

SAT I (breakdown): 2070 (660CR 700M 710W)
ACT: Didnt take
SAT II: 700 USH 760 Spanish
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7 Weighted: 3.92
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 40/495 (Top 10%)
AP (place score in parenthesis): World (4) USH (4) Biology (4) Calc AB (5)
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Spanish, AP Stat, Physics, AP US GOV, AP Comparative Gov, AP Lit (7 AP total senior year)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar, AP Scholar
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Club Soccer (6 years, 3 yrs captain)
Track and Field (JV 10 and 11 grade, V 12th) XC (jv 2 yrs) Anchor Club (Co founder/treasurer 11th and 12th grade) Beta Club (Volunteer 10-12th grade) Tutor (4 yrs)
Job/Work Experience: Worked at my uncle's company for experience on how to deal with finances and other manners dealing with money (Aspiring econ major)
Volunteer/Community service: about 100 hrs of volunteer work total
Summer Activities: Club Soccer
Essays: Pretty good, everybody who read them thought they were really good
Teacher Recommendation: glowing
Counselor Rec: glowing
Additional Rec:
Interview:didnt have one
State (if domestic applicant):GA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:Public, extremely competitive, typically sends 10 kids to Ivies, many more to great schools
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Income Bracket: 100000>
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM, 1st gen
Strengths:essays, recs
Weaknesses:gpa, test scores</p>




<p>Likely will attend:
Penn (depending on financial aid review) or UGA</p>

<p>Best of luck to you rising seniors and to the Class of 2016 :)</p>

<p>Thank you for your post. The information and advice will definitely be helpful to students in the future. Congratulations on the schools you got into and I hope the financial aid review goes your way.</p>

<p>Congratulations on all of your acceptances and thank you for giving us a full report, this will benefit many applicants in the future!</p>

<p>Either Penn or UGA will be lucky to have you, and I’m confident that either school will serve you well.</p>

<p>Have fun finishing sr year, enjoy a relaxing summer and an exciting fall in college!!!</p>

<p>wow. that is incredible. congrats!</p>

<p>just curious though, how many AP’s does your school offer? I attend a similar type school and am trying to get a feel for the offered:taken ratio affects admissions.</p>

<p>^You want your HS GC to mark preferably ‘most’, and at least ‘very’ demanding course load on the CA SSR. It’s going to vary by school, not just by the number of APs offered, but also by the policies your school has for who/when APs can be taken.</p>

<p>oh, okay. Thanks! I believe she will put one of the two.</p>

Good luck next year! where are you looking at applying?
My school offers 25 AP courses, and I took 11. You can only take 1 AP sophmore year at my school, so I took a total of 9/13 AP classes (full year AP classes because micro macro and comparative Us gov combine into year long classes) possible within the limits of my schedule.</p>

<p>And on a side note, I officially have sent in my commitment deposit to Penn for the upcoming year!</p>

<p>Congrats, glad to hear the FA review went well!</p>


<p>Congrats on Penn! </p>

<p>I’m looking at Duke for ED (if i can get my SAT over the 2200 bump), Penn, Cornell, UCLA, U Miami, UVa, and Princeton…</p>

<p>I’ll have taken 6 AP’s (which is about average for competitive students at my school) and all offered honors by the time I finish HS. They offer around 17-18 AP’s, So my concern was that I haven’t taken enough of a rigorous schedule. My school only allows 1 AP sophomore year and we need to have prerequisite classes for most AP’s… so hopefully my GC will say I took a tough schedule.</p>

<p>Again, Congrats on Penn. You’ll do great there!</p>