someone please help me figure this out!!

<p>I'm trying to get into the nursing program at my community college. Right now, I work full time and go to school at night and have been paying for school on my own. I live with my dad but he does not support me. Car payment, phone bill, credit card bill, food, gas, necessities etc are all paid for by me. My dad does not help me out with college at ALL due to his bills, child support he pays every month, paying for his fiance's bills etc. (all of this on his 50k a year salary)</p>

<p>If I get accepted into this nursing program I will no longer be able to work full time (MAYBE being able to work 4 full days a week and that's pushing it do to the amount of schoolwork I will have) Which, in turn, means I won't be able to pay for all of my bills along with school. Due to this issue, I filled out the FASFA and it said my EFC is 9500 which would seem accurate for my financial situation right now but what about my financial situation if I get accepted into the program? Will the financial aid I get be enough to cover my tuition along with a few bills I have to pay? </p>

<p>Just trying to figure this all out.</p>