Someone told me that BU doesn't really even have a campus

<p>Is this true? </p>

<p>I mean I know that it is in the city so it’s not going to be like a traditional college campus, but are there parts of BU that have a little bit of that campusy feel? I’ve driven by the campus (never had a chance to visit completely) and I’ve noticed that many of the buildings were on the street. So does that mean that the entire college campus is like this? Or are there quads and such some places? Also, how would you describe the dorms? Good? Bad? Small?</p>

<p>BU owns almost everything from Kenmore Sq. down Comm. Ave to Brighton St. That’s your campus. Now if you are asking does it have a large green quad area, the answer is no.</p>

<p>You need to get off of Commonwealth Ave where many of the BU buildings are located. Go towards the Charles River and take a stroll down Bay State Road where BU brownstones are located. There is an area behind the Towers dorm that is large and grassy and fondly referred to as the BU Beach. That area along the river is beautiful and gives a sense of “campus”. Also there are three west campus dorms that cluster around the soccer field. There is a feeling of “campus” there also. </p>

<p>But in reality, it’s an urban campus and Boston IS the campus.</p>

<p>Also South is an area that combines a neighborhood feel with a school feel.</p>

<p>The BU Beach and the Esplanade have plenty of green space. No, it doesn’t feel like a traditional suburban campus, but I actually prefer BU’s campus.</p>

<p>And yes, Bay State Road is actually lovely. I’m hoping to live there next year.</p>

<p>Despite what people think about BU, there is definitely a campus. As soon as you start walking down COM Ave you can tell you are on BU’s campus. Every building has a red plate outside each building that says Boston University on the outside. You definitely know that you are on campus. Like someone else said, it obviously doesn’t have the big green quad but there is the BU beach and Bay State Road which make BU what it is. Plus, Boston is a huge campus with so many college students around.</p>

<p>Those that say BU has a campus are by definition correct – but you really have to see it, it is so far removed from the stereotype of a college campus. You may love it – as thousands upon thousands of former and current students obviously do – but it is very different. One of my family members, currently at a small NE LAC, always thought BU would be her dream school – until she visited and did a 180. I’m sure there are plenty of people who have the opposite story. You need to check it out for yourself.</p>

<p>I LOVED the BU Campus. For a city school, it was wonderfully maintained and the students went out of their ways to help me. It’s absolutely gorgeous and feels very much in the ‘city’ on one side and ‘park and river’ on the other. It IS a little spread out, but in a city school that’s kind of expected. I heard the freshman dorms are cramped, but other than that nice. Also, they have these wonderful brownstones that upperclassmen and lucky underclassmen can live in.</p>

<p>It really depends on who you are and what you like BUT,</p>

<p>I ABSOLUTELY love it…I think it is THE best campus I’ve ever seen. I love how there is a water view kind of behind the campus. (There is a freeway between BU’s beach and the river though) And when your on the Beach, the cars on the freeway make it seem like the waves are making those noises.</p>