something doesnt add up...

<p>UNC is a slightly better version of UVa without the annoying pretenses. UM is the evil empire we will one day conquer. It currently has a small but beatable advantage. But they are a worthy adversary that we can learn things from. As they have from UW.</p>

<p>What state university has more Rhodes Scholar than any other? Hint: it’s not UW. Which state university is as selective as the nation’s top private schools, has greater diversity, offer need-blind financial aid, and has the highest graduation rate of any other state university? Hint: it’s the same university that produces all of those Rhodes Scholars. </p>

<p>UW is a fine school though. Really</p>

<p>gluttony for flames at its finest. Do you love getting ripped apart in the forums?</p>

<p>So much for the argument that U-Va lacks good research opportunities for undergrads in the sciences:</p>

<p>[The</a> Cavalier Daily | Four University students earn scholarships in technical fields](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>How’d UW do?</p>

<p>Where’s Virginia?? Not even an afterthought. </p>

<p>U.S. News has just released its newest rankings of graduate school programs at universities across the country. About half of the disciplines have new rankings this year while the other half are from last year or the year before.</p>

<p>Many posters here on CC think of Princeton primarily as an undergraduate institution. They see the absence of professional schools of law, medicine and business as indicating a weaker graduate program. Princeton’s focus is not on professional schools (with the exception of the Woodrow Wilson School and the School of Architecture) but its graduate programs leading to PhDs in the humanities and sciences are among the best in the country.</p>

<p>U.S. News offers its analysis of the strength of many of the core PhD programs in the humanities and sciences, including Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. </p>

<p>Among these core disciplines, only the following schools have programs that rank among the top fifty institutions for all twelve. Their average scores for these twelve basic programs in the sciences and humanities are as follows (on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0) :</p>

Score Institution</p>

<p>4.8------------Berkeley and Stanford</p>





<p>4.3------------Columbia and U. of Chicago, U. of Michigan</p>

<p>4.2------------Cornell, UCLA and U. of Wisconsin-Madison</p>


<p>4.0------------UT Austin</p>

<p>3.9------------Duke, Northwestern and UC San Diego</p>

<p>3.8------------Johns Hopkins, U. of Minnesota and U. of Washington</p>


<p>3.6------------Ohio State, Penn State, UC Davis </p>

<p>3.4------------UC Santa Barbara</p>

<p>No other schools ranked within the top 50 programs in all twelve basic disciplines</p>

<p>But barrons, aren’t we talking about undergrad? And aren’t you now relying on the same magazine that you consistently diss as “second rate”? And isn’t it the same magazine that ranks your nemesis undergraduate school, U-Va, leaps and abounds ahead of your beloved UW? And, wait, isn’t that William and Mary that I see ahead of you? And, oh no, isn’t that UW that I see tied with UIUC, that bankrupt and corrupt institution to the south? </p>

<p>University of California–Berkeley Berkeley, CA 1<br>
University of California–Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 2<br>
University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 2<br>
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI 4<br>
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 5<br>
College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 6<br>
Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 7<br>
University of California–San Diego La Jolla, CA 7<br>
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL 9<br>
University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 9</p>

<p>Powerhouse faculty or higher average SAT score–I’ll take the faculty please. UW has plenty of high scorers to hang with if that’s what you want.</p>

<p>Powerhouse faculty don’t mean much if you can’t get into their classes and can’t graduate!</p>

<p>They graduate over 6000 undergads a year. Do Uva students get into every class they want when they want–not what I read. All schools have some access limits but most get what they need when they need it and they are hiring more faculty to get the rest taken care of. UVa doing much hiring these days?? Not so much. Many depts have not had a new hire in decades.</p>

<p>Your argument would make sense if U-Va HAD a graduation problem. But, you see, it doesn’t. UW does.</p>

<p>Some mod should ban novaparent for obvious ■■■■■■■■.</p>

<p>Seriously, I’m doing nothing different than what barrons does on the U-Va board. Every time someone posts a question on U-Va’s board about the school he posts a response bashing its graduate science programs and dismissing its student body as a bunch of rich kids. It’s reached the point where even Dean J, U-Va’s admissions rep on CC, has had to call him out. Take a look at his posts and you’ll see what I mean.</p>

<p>Two can play barrons’ game. UW’s graduation rate is a serious and undeniable problem that UW boosters routinely attempt to sweep under the rug. I’m not the first person who has made the point on this board (and been crucified for it), but I’ll continue to highlight it for as long as barrons persists in his vendetta against U-Va. For now, though, I’ll take a break.</p>

<p>^I thought you were a parent, or is your username a lie? Shouldn’t you be over the “But he started it!” game?</p>

<p>So your answer to a ■■■■■ was to ■■■■■. then getting outtrolled by the said ■■■■■, and having to repeatedly change subjects to undermine a fine university.</p>

<p>Can we not see that both school are of amazing caliber and two guys on the internet trying to call the institution out doesn’t make it any less superb? They’re great schools, with mostly strengths and few weak points that you guys are magnifying. I’m all for flame wars on the internet, it’s inevitable and fun to watch, but it’s starting to become shameful that such intelligent adults are just going at it at each other over something like which college is better.</p>

<p>Enough stooping lower than the other guy, repetitious bashing of points others don’t feel are as important… the game should be declared over, with the major players considered losers. nova- keep your va board problems there, complain to the mods- but don’t sully your name and school with filling the UW board with more diatribes. Harping on one small point repeatedly- does it make you feel better? It certainly doesn’t raise your credibility/stature with readers of your UW posts. Barrons- remember to control yourself and keep offering the good UW information news bits. Moi- of course I’m always right… (“smiley”- it’s hopeless to get a certain student to teach his mother a tenth of his computer savvy).</p>

<p>If I ruled the world…</p>

<p>wis75, i’m not sullying the UW board with a diatribe. UW’s graduation rate is a real problem, not just a “small point,” and you can’t just wish it away. interesting how advocates of a school as liberal as UW are all about censorship on the UW board.</p>

<p>^No, they’re just tired of the petty manner in which it’s brought about. There’s a difference.</p>

<p>For pete’s sake, this isn’t about “censorship,” it’s about manners.</p>

<p>Milwdad, if there’s one thing that distinguishes the UW board from others it’s that UW boosters (wis75 being chief among them) go to great lengths to get posters with negative comments about their university to retreat from the board. It’s remarkable, really. They’re a pretty touchy bunch.</p>