Something to try to make me stand out

<p>I posted my stats and EC's and people said I had a good chances for Exeter/Andover but I don't have anything that stands out. Would sending in one of my own piano compositions make me stand out or is that nothing? Thank you! Also, is there anything else I could do to make me stand out?</p>

<p>Here's my stats by the way:
Reading: 85% (I Hate this score.)
Math: 91% (I thought I did perfectly on this but I didn't. I hate this score to.)
Verbal: 96% (I was suprised at this score. I thought I would get like a %70.)
Overall: 95%</p>

I don't know the number. There are no honors in our 8th grade. I had mostly A+ with a fews A's for my 6th and 7th grade year. In 8th grade straight A's with one B+ that I hate.</p>

<p>State Standardized test (NJASK)-
Reading 294 for 6th grade
Math 296 for 6th grade
Reading 300 for 7th grade
Math 264 for 7th grade (I HATE this score.)
This is all out of 300. I was shocked from my 300 in reading. Anyway, over 250 is advanced proficient.</p>

Both were very good. </p>

<p>Extra Curric.-
Piano 6 years
School News Paper Editor- 3 years
Math Team- 3 years top 8
Soccer- 3 years
Swimming- 9 years
Tae Kwon Do- 6 years black belt
I play a litte violin.</p>

<p>Awards/Community Service-
2nd place Art Award
Multiple recognition awards
Helped clean up a park
Helped my Tae Kwon Do place to teach younger children
3rd place Tae kwon Do sparring trophee
Was published in my local newspaper I won a contest for Hurricane Katrina Relief

<p>Err I don’t think it’s gonna help just by throwing in something you’ve got. Now it’s really the time for you to get down thinking about YOUR own strengths. Those strengths may not be unique (i.e. piano is definitely not); but it tells the adcom they’re meaningful to you, thus distinguishes you as an individual applicant. Are you very serious and committed to piano? If yes then you should send in the composition. If you’re just playing it for fun then I suppose not…</p>

<p>See I told you so… Just work on ur essays!</p>

<p>DODODO121 I know your password!</p>

<p>when you say composition do you mean you wrote the song? If so then definitely send it in!</p>

<p>moonstaff 324, where did that come from (the password thing)? Are we, uh, missing something?</p>

<p>i have no idea</p>

<p>DODODO121 is someone I know in real life who is very annoying and recommended me this site. You will notice that he usual posts in summer school section till I made my first topic. THen he came here to the prep school section just to annoy him. Tomthecat</p>

<p>On a serious note, dododo121, it may be a good idea to change your password. Just in case.</p>

<p>On a less serious note, I believe we have just witnessed the emergence of a new internet fad: CC STALKING!</p>

<p>Oh ok then</p>