something up with my.pitt...

<p>OK, so I just logged on to (I've been admitted, submitted deposits months ago, etc.) to see whether anything had been added to my bill, but I couldn't find the "Student Services" tab (it was there on Friday). After a little poking around, I viewed my account information. Lo and behold, my "University Relationships" was no longer "Student Applicant" but rather "No active relationships." This seems like some kind of systems-upkeep thing (what with all the deposits coming in), but I'm still a little perturbed.</p>

<p>Has this happened to anyone else?</p>

<p>Yes, it happened to my account, too. We talked to IT (this weekend) and the person there said to call back Monday and that someone would be able to fix it. I was very impressed with IT's quick response to our email (they told us to call right away and ask)--probably a turnaround time of less than 10 minutes!</p>

<p>Yeah, there are little bugs every once in awhile. My roommate had a problem with his e-mail this semester and he called IT. They had it fixed within 5 minutes.</p>