something's confusing me

<p>I clicked on the textbook link and got linked to the ucla store...and there are 3 items to purchase for Math 3A. And they all look the same. Is one a workbook of some sort? And what is W/ssm supposed to mean???? </p>

<p>Neuhauser (Bruin Advantage; You Save 18.6%)
Calculus Biology & Medicine (Pkg) W/ssm (2nd)
H, 2, 04 Required
Purchase Only
$154.75 $116.25</p>

<p>Neuhauser (New Low Price)
Calculus For Biology & Medicine (2nd)
H, 2, 04 Required
Purchase Only
$147.25 $116.25</p>

Sm Calculus Biology & Medicine (2nd)
P, 2, 04 Optional
Purchase Only
$34.00 $25.50</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>w/ssm means with student solutions manual.
The first one is the textbook together with the student solutions manual. The second is just the textbook, and the third is just the solutions manual.</p>