<p>I must confess to not having read the entire thread, but I, too, was a NM finalist last year, and ASU sent me that oh-so-attractive admissions pitch in the mail, and of course, I was drooling at the prospect. However, last February, I was a minor and could not stay in a hotel by myself, and my mother was unable to make a flight from Indiana to Arizona with me. Since it makes no sense to commit to a school one has never seen, it was very important to visit campus, but when I both called and e-mailed their admissions counselors, they informed me that there were no hospitality programs in place that would a) help me find a place to stay while I was there, and b) defray the travel costs. I could have handled just "a", but they couldn't even suggest a solution to that problem. As important as they claim we NM finalists are to them, they certainly have an odd way of showing it. That is my experience, and it may just be unique to me.</p>
<p>To the OP: has your son considered Purdue University? I am not an engineer, but it's hard to miss all the noise about the program here. I chose it as an in-state student (especially due to generous scholarships), and I am also a member of the second cohort of the UHP, which is Purdue's fledging, university-wide honors program. <www.purdue.edu honors=""> If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message.</www.purdue.edu></p>
were you dealing directly with the ASU Honors College when you tried to arrange to visit?While I dont remember them paying for anyone's airfare to visit,I do remember kids at the Honors College hosting overnight HS visitors.
Im glad you are happy at Perdue,however.</p>
<p>At this point, I can't remember my specific conversations with UA & ASU, but do remember that both were very friendly in our contacts. S refused to visit either campus, but we were told by at least one of the Us that if our S did want to visit, an adult club advisor would take him under her wing for the duration of the visit, if parents were unable to accompany him.</p>
<p>Glad to hear, Erin, that things are working out well for you at UHP, where one of S's friends is also a freshman. Unfortunately, I couldn't interest S in that program either.</p>
<p>Wow, I didn't realize I'd been so busy that it's been over a month since I posted. </p>
<p>cathy, I did not go through the honors college to arrange a visit; my mother told me that it was my responsibility to work things out, and because I was still rather inexperienced at negotiating and playing my cards correctly, that did not occur to me as an option.</p>
<p>HIMom, I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time helping your son figure out where to go; I'm sure my mom could have commiserated a year ago. I wonder if I know your son's friend...</p>