Son at Harvard, now his sis needs a school - Southern schools question

<p>Dear MomNeedsAdvice,</p>

<p>I hear and understand your point about my high school sophomore daughter hanging out at Harvard dorms. Actually I worry more about her taking the subway to Harvard than what goes on once she gets there as her brother takes pretty good care of her. Also, with no fraternities at Harvard and freshmen who study "all the time" my son has not reported any drinking or even serious horseplay during his first six months there so the place feels very "safe". It's a different type of college from where I went!</p>

<p>Dear Ellemenope (cool name btw),</p>

<p>I'm sure my son will eventually have more fun at Harvard (similar to your Harvard senior D) as he settles in but as a freshman who came from a typical suburban public high school his adjustment to Harvard has been challenging. Compared to his high school friends who seamlessly adjusted to "13th grade" at nearby schools such as Northeastern U, Boston U, etc. adjusting to the Harvard kids and Harvard academics is very, very different. He's made good friends on his dorm floor and in his classes and got A's & B's first semester but he definitely notices the difference in campus and student attitudes when he visits his old friends (as he puts it) at "normal schools" such as Northeastern. I think my daughter notices the same differences and that's why she thinks she wants something different in her college.</p>

<p>As everyone says - it's all about "fit"</p>

<p>Thanks for your comment.</p>

<p>Wow, I am blown away by all the good advice - my thanks to everyone!</p>

<p>From carefully reading all the comments I now realize that I am woefully ignorant about the south, its schools and its "feel" - my understanding is very superficial and (shamed to say) probably only comes from television. I need to do more homework and visit these schools.</p>

<p>True confession - except for the obligatory trips to DisneyWorld (via airplanes) I have never been further south than central New Jersey! I am sadly a poorly traveled New Englander. I need to fix that!</p>

<p>Thanks again for all the comments and keep them coming.</p>


<p>I'm pleased to see that you are willing to progress from your "Andy of Mayberry" view of the South to a more enlightened and realistic one. I always giggle when you Yankees write with concern about your children being able to feel comfortable in the south--positively as if it were a foreign country. I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you visit, and you will understand why so many of your brethren (and sistren) have become transplanted Southerners. However, if you ever run into someone who proclaims "Save your Dixie cups! The South shall rise again!" move on quickly--that's not the part of the South I want to claim.</p>

<p>I think its an excellent idea for your D to spend some time in the South. Its worth noting that around the larger cities she will meet many transplants. City life will be more familiar than rural areas. </p>

<p>My path has resembled Astrophysicsmom, having lived a few years in midwest, CA, but mostly NE and now FL. Its typical of FL parents to send children to summer programs or camps in N.C., GA, W. Va, up to Maine. College is another time of exploration. </p>

<p>I second what Burb Parent said, to look at map of where current students originate. My S attends a CA U, and FL is well represented. Significant would be the culture of the college, how focussed on sororities or sports.</p>

<p>We are from northern New England and my sophomore D attends Emory and absolutely loves it. Academics are first rate, diverse student body, social life is great, amazing opportunities for undergrads, all the attention from profs you want, I could go on and on....and nice weather. I attended an Ivy, albeit a while ago, and feel it is every bit its equal.</p>

Midmo has already made good points about Vanderbilt, but as antecdotal evidence, S's precious girlfriend (who has lived all over the world) is a member of his VU graduating class and is from a predominantly Harvard family - dad & 2 brothers went to Harvard. Based on what I see/hear, she loved Vandy.</p>

<p>I'd like to second the suggestion of Rice. I'm a recent alum (less than 1 month out!), and I had a great time there. Definitely intense academics, but a really laid back culture.</p>

<p>Rice, William & Mary. Davidson, Wake Forest are all friendly, laid back with a strong focus on teaching undergrads. Washington & Lee has great academics but much more of Southern feel. UVirgina and UNorth Carolina are excellent research schools with active Greek system and top flight sports scene. UNC only takes about 17% OOS so it may be pretty tough statistically. Duke, Emory, Vanderbilt are a little bit larger than the first group and more urban. Technically Johns Hopkins and Georgetown are southern but would be a much different feel than the others.</p>

<p>Def go visit and get a feel for yourself. Then you and your family can make an informed decision. Good luck.</p>

<p>I disagree that UVA is not laid back, but then again seeing as I attend UVA you might call me biased. To me, UVA is very laid back. There are all sorts of people here, even though by law 2/3's of the university has to be instate. People can easily find a niche for them, and there are so. many. opportunities here. </p>

<p>OneDown -- if you want you could make a list, and then post in each college's respective forum. You'd get more detailed answers that way as well.</p>

<p>By the way, if you are looking at UNC, you may as well take the time and try to visit Duke and NC State, as they are all in a triangle and nearby.</p>


<p>Unless your D is wedded to the south because of weather, I'd like to suggest University of Rochester. I don't think I've seen more laid-back but hard-working kids! It's not competitive in the least; everyone helps each other. Definitely friendlier than our Boston schools, and definitely academically strong. My d keeps telling me how "chill" a school it is (and she's not talking about the weather!)</p>

<p>We're from CT. DD is a sophomore at Wake and absolutely LOVES it! She's constantly commenting on how friendly, nice, and polite people are -- unlike here in NE where so many are "brusque," which is putting it nicely. She's involved in many activities, including lots and lots of studying. :)</p>

<p>My daughter is a student at Harvard and her brother is a student at Vassar College. If she only wants to travel as far south as New York (lol) check out Vassar. It's an excellent school but much more laid back than Harvard.</p>

UNC only takes about 17% OOS so it may be pretty tough statistically.


<p>This is a very rough estimate based on a small number of people, but from what I saw last year at my daughter's high school, if you have the kind of credentials that would get you into Cornell or Northwestern, you're likely to get into UNC-Chapel Hill from out of state. If you're a bit below that, you still might get in. This is not to say that out-of-state admission to UNC-CH is easy; it's not. But it's not as impossible as some people make it out to be.</p>

<p>One Down,</p>

<p>I'll throw you a curve ball and suggest you look NORTH to Dartmouth. Great undergraduate education without all the hyperstress of Harvard. DS#1 is there and loves it. His best friend is at Harvard and the two agree that Dartmouth offers a much kinder atmosphere with an equally strong education.</p>

<p>I'm going to have to add the University of Florida to the list! :)
Although, it's size is initially a bit intimidating, it makes it really easy to find your niche (a large population leads to lots of very specific clubs, which in turn makes it almost impossible not to find people who share similar interests). Despite the fact that most Gators are Floridians (Florida Bright Futures = free in-state tuition), the student population is extremely diverse, mostly because of the differences between North Florida (which has a very "Southern" population) and South Florida (which is basically an extension of NY + lots of Cubans). The atmosphere at UF is extremely friendly, as laid back or fast-paced as you want it to be, and as school-spirited as possible. Students here bleed orange and blue. The combination of great academics, great athletics, school spirit, diversity, and the vast number of clubs and organizations make it an awesome place to go to college. :)</p>

<p>Just to chime in, don't disregard midwest schools. There are many good LACs throughout the midwest that give the NE a run for the money. Kenyon, Oberlin, Denison, and others are fairly close to NE and have a lower key atmosphere.</p>

<p>I would not compare UNC/Wilmington - as a smaller version of UNC/CH - very good school yes - getting harder to get in/raising standards - near the most incredible beaches :D - but no-where near the caliber of UNC/CH.</p>

<p>You should consider & visit William & Mary. My son is a junior pre-med from NJ & is very happy there. It is academically very challenging & undergraduate education is stressed. The campus is beautiful & the atmosphere is very southern.</p>